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I woke up and felt safe. Something I hadn't felt before moving here.

I smiled and looked at my surroundings. I had my head resting by Garrett's armpit, with his arm wrapped around me. We had a blanket draped over us with little Boomer's head resting on my lap.

Picture perfect.

I yawned and looked at the clock, it was one-thirty in the morning. I tapped Garrett's shoulder and woke him. He yanked me back down next to him, wrapped his arm around me, and mumbled, "Babe five more minutes."

I tapped him again, but this time I said, "Let's go sleep in my room."

"Ugh, fine let's go."

"Come on Boomer! Let's go to my room!" He yawned then started stretching, a little too far. One of his legs slipped out and hit Garrett's manhood.

"Son of a," he whisper-shouted.

"Watch your language there's a baby here!" I covered Boomer's ears and smiled. My dog was my child. I loved him so much. I could never thank Matt enough for him.

I stood up, picked up Boomer, and ran upstairs to my bed. Garrett came a minute later, jumped in my bed, wrapped his arms around me, and then we all fell asleep once again.


Sunday. My favorite day of the week. My relaxation day.

"Jess. Wake up!" Garrett whispered in my ear.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. "What is it?"

"Come on get up and get dressed we have a fun day ahead of us." How is someone so happy this early in the morning?

"What are we doing?"

"It's a secret!" He placed a finger over my lips, shushing me before getting out of bed and heading out the door.

"Wait! Garrett," I screamed down the hall. "What do I wear?"

"Something you can get sweaty in!"

Are we going for a run? I decided to put on a Nike Tank top and workout shorts.

I walk down the stairs and wait for him. As soon as he walks down, I greet him and ask if we are going for a run. But apparently, we weren't. I put on my Chaco's so I'd be comfortable.

We all got in the car; even Boomer got to come.

"This is a surprise so I have to put a blindfold on you."

I hadn't known Garrett very long, even though it feels like I've known him for years. he wasn't asking me to be his girlfriend, right? Was last night just a deal breaker? What's going on?

"How far away is it?" What if people who were driving by and thought he was kidnapping me because I was blindfolded?

"Not too far. Maybe thirty minutes."

"You're not going to kill me, right?" I had to at least ask.

"Not today at least." He smiled then put the blindfold over my eyes and tied it.

About thirty minutes later, he opened my door, "Okay we are here! But you're not allowed to take off the blindfold." He grabbed my hand to get me out of his truck.

"We have to do a little walking, but you have to hold Boomer. I will hold your hand to guide you."

We started walking for about fifteen minutes up a hill. Finally, he said we can take a break and sit for a minute. He handed me water, which was very difficult to drink due to not being able to see anything.

We started walking again for about another fifteen minutes and then we stopped again for a break. "Hang on I'm going to go pee."

I sat down on what I'm guessing was a rock, waiting for Garrett to pee in the woods. He comes back and grabs my hand to help me stand, we didn't walk very far before he told me to sit down again.

"Okay, now you can take off your blindfold."

I took it off and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was beautiful. He took me on a hike, and all I could see was mountains in the distance. He had set up a picnic, I never loved anything as much as this. Something as simple as a picnic can make you so happy. I gasped then hugged him, "It's beautiful. Thank you!"

He smiled, "It's almost as beautiful as you."

After that, I was sure that no matter what he was mine, I would make sure of it. I smiled and then kissed him. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked him as I sat down on the blanket he had laid out.

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

I rolled my eyes then laid down looking up at the sky, "Fine."

"Want something to eat?"

I looked at him and smiled, "What did you bring?"

He opened the picnic basket, "We have peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, crackers, and fruit."

"Hand me the fruit!" He began to feed me grapes, and we just talked about life for a few hours. It was simple and nice.

"I have a question."


"I know we haven't known each other for long, but Jess, I feel like I've known you for years. You probably know more about me than Matt does. I was wondering if you wanted to"

"Garrett, just get to the point."

"I'm sorry." He took a deep breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him and smirked. "I would love to." I hugged him for what felt like forever. I'm never letting go.

"I wonder what Matt is going to do when he finds out."

"I already asked him, he wasn't on board first, but I changed his mind. It's you and me, baby." He chuckled.

"I can't believe I'm dating Garrett Adams. I bet all the girls will be jealous."

He chuckled, "They probably will, but don't worry if they try to harm you, I'll fight them."

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say."

We went back home after that, and all of us, even Boomer, were exhausted. We got to watch the sunset go down as we coasted down the highway with the radio blaring through his speakers.

"Doing 15 in a 30

I ain't in no hurry

I'm gonna take it slow

just as fast as I can."

The song felt more real than ever. I felt like I could relate to every single love song right now.

We arrived home, fed Boomer, and put a frozen pizza in the oven for us. "I'm gonna take a shower," I said, taking my hair out of the ponytail.

"Can I come?"

I lifted my eyebrow and smirked. "Yeah sure, why not?"

He headed up the stairs in front of me and was already undressed by the time I got there. We got in the shower, and it was anything but cleaning ourselves.

After our shower, I told him to get out or let me actually take a shower. He stood there watching me shampoo and condition my hair, but of course, he offered to lather me in the body wash.

But our alone time is going to end tomorrow when Matt gets home. I guess Garrett gets to take me to school. Well actually, I don't know. He has football practice after school. I wonder how this whole relationship is going to work.

We finished up our shower and then went to bed, with him, once again holding me all night.

I know we have only known each other for a few months but it's like life was just waiting for me to come to California. Sure, he has a past but hopefully, this relationship won't be like the others.

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