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Prologue - The Night that Changed Everything

Livvy's POV


My father was the Alpha of a werewolf pack known as the Black Star Warriors. His pack's sole purpose was to fight. Male members of the pack began their training at age 8. Their training was harsh, painful, and relentless. The warriors that came out of this training were disciplined, fearless, and just as relentless.

Our pack was called upon as soldiers during wars, to track down and eliminate rogues for other packs, and to fight other supernaturals that threatened the werewolf population.

Females in my pack were not trained to fight, that was the male's job and as sexist as that is, it's what my father and his father and all of their fathers believed. When I was a small girl, there weren't many other females in our pack. At that time, not too many of the warriors had found their mates. The few females that had mated into our pack, or had been born into it, were either human or half werewolf; therefore did not shift and therefore were not strong enough to fight. Only male half-werewolves could shift, as well as male and female full werewolves.

My mother, the Luna, led the few women we had as well as stood by my father as he led our pack. She was the one bit of nurturing and caring influence at our male dominated pack house.

I was strong, even at age 10, I was growing tall and fast. I hadn't shifted yet, that wouldn't come until puberty, usually around age 13 for females. But at that point, I don't think my father had any intention of training me to fight. It just wasn't done, and as one of the few shifting she-wolves, he couldn't risk my getting hurt or killed. He and his most trusted pack members would protect me until I found my mate and then my mate would protect me. I guess I was just there to look pretty and carry on the bloodline. When I found my mate we would have a long string of pups I was told.

Pure blooded werewolves were becoming rare. As time went on many werewolves now had human mates and their offspring were then half werewolf. I was not only rare because I could shift, but I was also a pure wolf. That meant that my lineage was 100% wolf going back to the dawn of time. The way you could tell this was that when I eventually shifted, I was pure black. Only pure wolves were pure black. Pure wolves were slightly stronger than non-pure, maybe a little smarter (I like to think so), but other than that, there's not a big difference.

So in my pack, my mother and I were the only pure she-wolves, the only females that could shift. My parents both descended from long lines of not only pure wolves, but Alphas. It didn't all mean a lot to me at age 10, until the night of the attack. After that, I found out what it meant.


I had recently turned 10 when my pack was attacked. You may wonder how the fiercest pack of werewolf warriors ever to walk the earth came to be attacked. It was stupid actually, now that I think back. I guess my father had become complacent and certainly a little too trusting. We had a mole in our pack of the worst kind. My father's beta, Henry. My father never suspected him. Henry spent a lot of time traveling to other packs. He used different excuses, he wanted to find his mate, he wanted to make connections for us; he always seemed to be the one to volunteer for inter-pack meetings. It was only later that we found out he was working with another pack. He had found his mate, the daughter of an Alpha from a pack about two states from ours. An Alpha that had a big ego and a twisted sense of honor; as in, no honor at all. His name was Alpha Rick Spencer.

Alpha Spencer had a son, his pack's next Alpha. When Henry told him about our pack and my father's lineage and more importantly my lineage, and the fact that I was one of the few shifting females in this part of the country, Alpha Spencer got it in his head that he had to have me for his son. Forget about whether or not we were mates, which we weren't, but like I said, Alpha Spencer was twisted. He got it in his head that if his son mated with me, it would strengthen his bloodline and his pack.

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