Chapter 1

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"Dawn get up, it's time for school."

I heard my mother, Alice, shout while opening my bedroom door.

"I am." I responded turning onto my side trying to go back to sleep.

"Dammit Dawn, it's your first day of 12th grade you aren't going to be late." Alice quietly scolded me tryimg not to wake up my father.

"I'm up.." I groaned, taking the blanket off and standing up to get ready. Alice closed the door and walked out to the living room allowing me to get ready. I walked over to my closet and tried to find something that would be atleast semi-decent to wear to school. I ended up grabbing jeans and a t-shirt.

I slipped on some low top tennis shoes and grabbed my phone and walked out and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

"Stay still, please."

I heard my mother trying to get my little sister, Abby to stay still so my mom could brush her hair. I sat on thr couch looking at my phone while waiting for my mom to finish Abby's hair.

"Okay who's ready for sch-" Alice stopped mid sentence. "Dawn, where is your necklace?"

"I don't want to wear it." I continued scrolling through my phone uninterested.

"Go put the necklace on, Dawn." Alice crossed her arms staring at me.

"But I don't even believe in that stupid necklace thing." I complained trying to get her to stop bugging me.

"Fine I'll put on the necklace. But only so you'll leave me alone." I stood up and walked back to my room.

I found the necklace then walked back out to the livingroom to go to the bus. Abby and I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. There were some other kids waiting as well, none of them where my age though.

The bus soon arrived and we all got on the bus. I sat in the 4th seat back from the driver and tucked my necklace into my coat. Abby sat down beside me. It wasn't long before Abby had to get off at the elementary school.

There wasn't a lot of talking this early in the morning, most of the people riding the bus would sit with their head down looking at their phone or listening to music.

Time went by and more people got on the bus. I didn't realize how full the bus was until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" A tall, tan boy asked. He had dark hair and beautiful brown eyes.

I nodded and put my backpack on the floor infront of me and sat up in my seat.

He smiled and sat down beside me.

'Ouch what the fuck?' I asked myself in my mind.

Something hurt, it was my chest, it felt like something burned me; but why would it do that?

'The necklace! But no.. It couldn't be.'

I sat there confused but took the necklace out of my shirt because it felt like if I left it there I was going to burn my skin.

I side glanced at the kid and he seemed uncomfortable; like he wanted to tell me something.

"Um.." He muttered and I looked up at him. Blue eyes met brown as we stared at eachother for a second.

"Yes?" I asked, being semi quiet; I was shy and didn't want to disturb the other people on the bus.

"Whats your name?" He asked, looking down at me as I was much shorter than he was.

"I"m Dawn." I said, smiling. "Whats your name?"

"Michael." He said, smiling back. And put his hand out as if he wanted me to shake his hand.

I awkwardly shook his hand and we sat in silence for a little while.

"What grade are you in?" I asked him, turning in my seat a little bit to face him.

"I'm in 12th.. Just moved here, what about you?" He asked and I nodded in understandment.

It took me a minute to answer so he asked again.

"What grade are you in?" He said, sort of quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Im in 12th." I said, smiling awkwardly but nicely.

The bus soon stopped at the high school and we got off and talked a bit while walking into the school.

"What's your locker number?" I asked, wanting to help him find it.

"Oh.. I'm in locker 165.." he said looking at me and noticed I looked surprised.

"My lockers 164. Seems like we're locker neighbors." I said, playfully elbowing his side.

He smiled a bit as we walked to our lockers.

"Heres my locker, and here's yours. Do you have your schedule?" I asked and he nodded taking his back pack off his shoulder to get his schedule and locker combination.

He put his locker combination in as I opened my locker and put my bag in. I grabbed whatever books I needed for classes before lunch.

He showed me his schedule and I pointed him in directions as to where they were but it wasn't very helpful to him.

"We have our first class together and our seconds kind of close so I could probably get away with showing you where that class is without being late. As for the others I don't know." I said, handing him his schedule.

I waited for a few minutes while he got his books giving him a quick run down of how this school functions.

"Actually I think my best friend, Alea shares your 2nd and 3rd with you, i can show you who she is hopefully before i have to go to my class." We walked to our first period and sat down in the very back.

"I like your shirt." I said, noticing he was wearing a 'Call of Duty: WWII' shirt.

"Oh thanks have you played it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Not all of it, I've played the first two missions and some in the middle. It wasn't my game.." I said looking for a pencil to get ready for class.

He nodded, showing he understood what I was saying.

A few minutes pass by and some more students walked into class.

At 8:12 the announcements came on.

"Hello students, welcome to the first day of the new school year!" The freshman saying the announcements said, very cheerfully.

I zoned out, not really listening to the announcements.

The teacher did rollcall and took lunch count and sent someone in the front row to take it to the office.

We went through the basic 'new school year' drill. The getting to know eachother and the say one thing about yourselves.

That class seemed to take forever before the bell rang.

"So can you show me who Alea is?" He asked.

I nodded and we got our books and walked out of class to go to our second block.

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