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Sebastian Evans

I had waited a whole torturous month for hockey to start and finally, the season was here.

Walking into school with my hockey equipment slung over my shoulder felt absolutely amazing. When I saw other guys from my team dropping their own bulky bags off in the locker room, I realized just how excited I was for today. Hockey wasn't just a sport to me; it was a lifestyle. I lived to tear up the ice with my best friends—nothing could compare.

It sounded strange, but not even my beautiful girlfriend, Kate, meant as much to me as hockey did. We had been together for a while now, and she was really important to me, but this sport was my one true love. 

After chatting with a few teammates in the locker room about today's tryouts, I went looking for Kate. Of course, I found her standing next to my locker with a slight frown on her face. She always got pouty around this time of year. "You know if you frown too much you'll get nasty little wrinkles around your mouth," I told her with a grin.

Kate wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a warm kiss. "I hate hockey season," she whined.

I tried not to look too upset when I pulled away, but damn she was really raining on my parade. Kate didn't have to love hockey, but she could at least pretend to be interested.

"And why is that?" I asked. 

Putting my arm over her shoulder, I guided her down the hall to our first class. Familiar faces waved and smiled at us as we walked by. As much as I hated to admit it, I did feel good knowing I was popular. I loved that I was the center of attention and so did Kate. Honestly, that was the real reason we went so well together. Other than that, we didn't have much in common.

I looked down at Kate and waited for her to answer my question.

She sighed. "Because you're so obsessed with hockey that you forget about what's really important."

I laughed. "Hockey's my baby, baby. Nothing can beat that."

Kate's face went into seductive mode as she leaned towards my ear. "Not even me—completely naked?" She cracked a smile at the end to signal that she was partly joking. 

The thought of Kate without clothes did sound tempting. But if I had to choose hockey or Kate, it would definitely be hockey. When I didn't answer her right away, she tore away from me with a look of pure annoyance. 

"I just can't compete with that damn sport, can I? We've been together for what, a year now? You haven't even said you love me! God, I hear about how much you love that damn sport all the time, but not once have you said those words to me!"

In just moments my good mood had faded and I was now faced with having to deal with my overdramatic girlfriend for the third time this week. She was always finding a way to be mad at me...

"Oh, come on. You know it's not like that." Lie. Total lie.

"You're the worst liar, Sebastian," Kate said, crossing her arms. "I of all people know that."

I groaned in frustration. I had never been unfaithful to Kate. I bought her nice things to keep her happy. Never had I pressured her into doing something she didn't want. Hell, I always took the blame for our fights and always was the one apologizing. Why couldn't she be satisfied with that?

"Kate, you need to realize that this sport will always come first to me. But don't worry babe, you're right in second place." Maybe that was too cruel, but it was truthful.

Kate was a good foot shorter than me, but damn she could pack a good punch. In one swift movement my head snapped back and the next second she was storming down the hallway. I looked around at the school's population who were all conveniently watching me. My face hardened into a mask of anger and in seconds everyone was back to minding their own business.

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