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In the seemingly peaceful village of Kohona all was not what it seemed. While men and women lay soundly asleep in their soft beds, unaware of the events happening, one boy was awake; tormented by his thoughts. In the darkness the seeped into every corner of the deserted training grounds lay a child whom, much like the night, held secrets that none were aware.

His fragile body lay still, cushioned by the wet grass that sent cold shivers down his spine as the damp was absorbed by his shirt, however the child could not find it in his will to care as he was currently facing more daunting things then the possibility of a cold.

His mind was racing with the knowledge he had gained only an hour before and was certainly not pleased with the information he has received. The seven year old thought back to the beginning of the day when whispers spread like an incurable disease across the people of Kohona.

For once it wasn't about him.

No. It was directed to his classmate, Sasuke. Whom, he had learned, had his entire family slaughtered the night before by his brother. The boy wasn't sure what was worse, the thought of having his family gone or the fact that it was done by someone he so admired. But what he was sure was that it was only extra torture to have everyone talking about it, constantly rubbing salt on a serious wound.

Their following stares and hushed words were enough to drive anyone mad, and he knew that from first hand experience. Which was why he was so determined to find out the truth.

When he had first heard the news, something didn't sit right with him, it all seemed just; wrong. The child had heard of Itachi and knew that he loved his family especially his brother, in fact he'd often see them around the village or in the park. He remembered the ache he'd felt for a family bond like that.

It turns out his doubts were right. In the depth of the hokage's office, after sneaking in undetected, he'd found the evidence to prove his dangerous thoughts right. Itachi Uchiha had been ordered to murder his family by none other then the village he served.

And like a good shinobi, he had followed orders but only to protect his most precious person. Sasuke. The very boy who now was beginning to lust after revenge.

A sigh escaped his lips, as the child moved his arm to cover his eyes, still deep in thought. Was this really the life of a ninja? Forced to do unmentionable deeds just for everyone to label you as a traitor, when in fact your own village betrayed you? If so he was certain he didn't want to be one.

He knew in his heart he would never let himself become like that.

It wasn't the first time either. He recalled Sakumo Hatake, the man who committed suicide after being tormented just for saving his friends lives. Who in the end turned on him as well. The true heroes were the ones that often had their lives end tragically.

Shaking his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts, he wondered if his dream was worth it. Why should he try and earn respect from these people, ones who not only shunned him but also the true heroes. The ones who ordered the death of innocent children just because of their clan. The ones who drove a man, who saved his friends, to death.

Why did he want to lead people like that?

It was then he made his decision. Clenching his fist he removed his arm to reveal a pair of stunning cerulean blue eyes that pierced through that lingering darkness, his resolve shining clear through his stormy eyes.

It was time to build a new life, away from this poisonous village.

Disclaimer: I don't own the plot of Naruto or it's characters

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