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London, England. 1812

The house of the Taylors' was alive with the vibrancy of people: laughing, talking- even flirting. The wine streamed effortlessly around the ball, the festive occasion giving great reason to imbibe more of the intoxicating drink. Colourful streamers - an impressive range of light hues - were spread throughout the garden's trees.

The beauty of the gathering filled my heart with joy. Tonight, we were celebrating the engagement of Mr. Zachariah Hartley and I, an occasion which made butterflies dance in my stomach.

"Rosalia!" My name called but once, and I turned, an elegant smile at the ready. I almost groaned as I saw my caller, but restrained the urge as that was not what a true lady would do. A woman of ample proportions and red hair threatening to escape from its messy bun strode towards me. An eager grin greeted me, showing the remnants of appetizers stuck on her teeth.

Hiding a shudder, I waited serenely for Mrs. Gilcroft to reach me. "Yes, Mrs. Gilcroft?" I asked sweetly, wishing the old bat would go away already. Upon nearing me, she beamed and pinched my cheek affectionately. I reluctantly kept my smile on my face even though I wanted to slap her old, gnarled fingers away.

"Oh dear, you must to be so happy!" Mrs. Gilcroft said benevolently. Well, I was until you got here.

"Simply thrilled," I replied, attempting to add warmth to my tone. It was hard however, seeing what the stupid woman had done to my family. But remember, Rosalia! The past is the past, and all we can do is forgive, as a true lady does. My mother's words bubbled to the surface of my mind, and I almost sighed in exasperation. Mother was too proper to even consider holding a little grudge.

"I imagine you're very happy you've found a handsome young man like Mr. Hartley, am I right?" she chuckled, like an inane school-girl. Good gracious, the woman had no manners! And I had no patience. Desperately searching for an escape from this wretched woman, my eyes chanced upon to fall upon a girl - my age - who I knew very well.

"Yes, very happy," I answered quickly. "And I must say my goodbye now, Mrs. Gilcroft, I have to play my part as host at this gathering!" She nodded, looking like a simpleton, while I swept off to talk with my friend.

"Victoria!" I called out. She turned, smiling as she saw me. Raven locks framed her perfect, oval face, while the rest of her hair was placed in a gorgeous plaited bun. Vicky always looked like an absolute goddess. "I am so glad to see you!" I laughed, as I embraced her. The delicate fragrance of her perfume drifted around her, enhancing her sweet scent.

"Rosa," she greeted me, pulling back to examine the ring which graced my middle finger. "Oh it's so beautiful. A beautiful ring for a beautiful couple."

A blush crept onto my cheeks. It was true what she said about Zachariah and I; we were made for each other. We grew up playing around in the local village in our childhood and when we finally reached our teens, we fell in love. My parents didn't accept the idea of a lady being in love with a mere commoner - but my Father finally relented and now we were to be happily married in the fall.

Mother had not been a bit happy with the engagement and had always been whispering to poor Josie about how she could not betray her mother like I had done. Well, I had to assume that by the pointed looks she gave me whenever I was in the vicinity of her and Josie's chats.

As I was the one marrying Mr Hartley and not her, I really only took my own feelings into account.

"We are quite charming, aren't we?" I said, laughing.

"I wish I could find someone as interesting as Zach though. He is very attractive if I do say so myself." Vicky said with a mischievous expression on her petite face.

Society's Expectations & Too Many Complications {Finalist}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα