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Today was Tuesday, December 17th, also known as Garrett's birthday.

I had woken up to take a shower early because I had been too exhausted to make it to the bathroom last night. So yes, that means my makeup probably looks atrocious at the moment.

I stood in my mirror and silently screamed. I look like I belong in a horror film. My hair is everywhere, and there is mascara smeared all under my eyes.

I turned on the shower and waited a second for it to warm up. It had been extra cold lately since it was getting rather chilly outside. I hopped in and felt the refreshing fresh water come out. The toilet flushed a few minutes later; Garrett must be awake.

He didn't say anything to me as the door to the toilet closed. The door to the shower opened and I immediately covered my body up with my hands self-consciously.

He pinned me against the wall, "It's Tuesday I can finally get what I want."

I giggled and jumped up in his arms. "Good morning birthday boy!" I gave him a short, sloppy kiss.

Water was pouring all over us as we just stared at each other for a moment, "I love you so much, Jess." He then tightens his arms around me and kisses me.

"I love you too." We eventually finished up our shower and my fingers were pruned from being in the shower for so long.

We are going to explore the city again today, first starting with a college visit to Columbia University.

I can't believe I only have less than a semester to pick where I want to spend the next four-plus, years of my life.

I looked outside the frosty window of the hotel. It was snowing again. I have a hate-love relationship with the cold. Winter is too cold, but it's so gorgeous outside when it is cold. I just like to look at it from the inside.

Garrett stood beside me, in a pair of boxers. His hands are placed on his hips.

"Babe, I thought you were getting ready?" I asked turning towards him, wrapping my arms around him. Gosh, his body heat was so warm. His heartbeat raised as I nuzzled my head in his chest.

"How am I supposed to get ready when you keep doing cute stuff like this?" He runs his fingers through my freshly straightened hair.

"I can't help it! In case you didn't know, I'm naturally cute." I gave him a smirk.

I like how he's standing in front of a giant window in his underwear. I mean it's not like anyone can see him, we are on the highest floor of this building.

He groans, "Do we have to go? I would much rather stay in bed with you all day instead of going out in that brutal cold." He looks me up and down, "Also I'd like to see what is under that robe."

"How about tomorrow we do that?" I grab his butt and release my grip from his warm body and walk to the closet. "Now put some pants on Garrett!"

A knock at the door interrupts us from changing anymore. I look at Garrett, and he looks at me. He sighs and mumbles something about 'women' and 'doors'.

He had put a pair of black slacks on over his boxers, but they were hanging loose on his hips, so whoever was at the door got a very nice sight to see.

I stand behind Garrett as he opens the door. The boys with the bright blue eyes from down the hall appear.

"Hey bro, I hear it's your birthday!" Garrett smirks and gives Hayes a bro fist bump with a bro hug.

Hayes looks Garrett up and down as he realizes he is shirtless, looking intimidated. "Thanks, man. How'd you know it was my birthday?"

My Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now