chapter 6

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

Breeze was at the edge of the forest when Dominique arrived.

Dominique told him along the way that he was bringing someone along, adding that it was a girl and he suspected her to be with the council, other than that he kept quiet, not sure what Breeze's reaction would be to the rest. As he walked out of the forest towards Breeze he saw his dragon look suspiciously at Akira, who had paused behind when her eyes had settled on Breeze.

"You coming?" Dominique asked impatiently as he paused at Breeze's side and turned to look at Akira.

"He just looks so much like Sky," Akira murmured her eyes wondering over Breeze.

"My name is Breeze, not Sky," Breeze thought, yet there was no hostility in his voice and he looked fascinated by Akira if anything.

"His name is Breeze," Dominique told Akira since she couldn't hear his dragon's thoughts. "Now can we please get going? Ray is going to kill me if I'm not back a good time before sunset, and the way isn't exactly short."

Akira paused for a moment, seeming to be considering something, before she gave in and walked forward. She seemed so timid and unsure that Dominique couldn't help but wonder how this girl had beaten him in the fight before.

"You what?" Breeze picked up his thoughts. "She beat you?" He sounded more than amused. "You got beaten by a girl?"

"Shut up," Dominique muttered in reply as Akira walked up to him. "Ladies first," he told her nodding towards Breeze's back. He was about to reach out and offer her a hand to mount, yet before he could she had already grabbed the saddle and swung herself onto his dragon's back like an expert.

Dominique's mouth fell open as he watched her settle on Breeze's back. She sat on him as only a dragon rider could. Dominique frowned at the thought. So, this mystery girl had ridden a dragon before, great, one more thing to add to her story.

Not bothering to peruse the thought he grabbed the saddle and pulled himself up behind Akira. No sooner had he settled down than Breeze rose.

For a moment Dominique sat awkwardly, not sure where to put his hands. Having Akira sit right in front of home made it impossible to hold the front of the saddle like usual. He could put his arms around her, it would be the easiest way, but somehow he doubted that she would appreciate it. In the end he folded them, deciding that he would just have to hold on with his legs.

Dominique's chin reached the top of Akira's head, making it possible for him to just see over. That was when he realized how close he was sitting to her. If he leaned slightly forward he would be able to rest his chin on top of her head. He had never sat this close to a girl before, and even though there was a small gap separating him from her, he could feel her body heat, and it felt...he couldn't explain it, but it felt right.

"Oh please, you don't even know the girl," Breeze interrupted his thoughts.

Dominique didn't replied, slightly embarrassed that his dragon had read that thought. He turned his head to the side, looking down at the passing scenario below, trying to turn his attention elsewhere, when suddenly he thought of something.

"Should we blindfold her?" He thought to Breeze. It would be best, for safeties sake, just in case Akira was with the council. They were going to a hideout after all, only the Resistance was supposed to know where it was.

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