chapter 10

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

Akira felt her blood go cold as soon as she had heard the dragon's faint scream. It was so faint she wouldn't have picked it up has she not been through the battles she had where hearing dragons scream was just part of the fight. Hearing it she turned, heading down the road, heading towards the direction of the scream without another thought. 

She heard Dominique call out to her, yet she ignored him, wanting to find out what was going on. Without thinking she rushed down the road, dodging people walking in the posit direction, pushing past people going in the same one. Yet when she had come to the end of the road she froze, everything around her seemed to disappear, except the scene before her. 

A large stall stood right in front of her. A man dressed in black and blue standing on either side, as though guarding it. Boxes were stacked up behind it, tilted somewhat so that people passing by could see the contents. Each box was filled with a velvet blanket, and nestled in each blanket was a large, smooth, round, dragon's egg. The shells white, as always, yet the glow coming from within giving away the dragons colors. The stall owner stood, bending over a young boy who was pointing at an egg glowing a soft red. The child's father, a man dressed in silk, his fingers covered in gold rings, handed over a bag that jingled, to the stall owner, who in turn turned and put a lid on the box with the egg in it, before he handed it over to the young boy. 

Akira stared, stunned, not sure if she was understanding this right. She had come across humans who had taken abandoned eggs home before, yet they had never paid for it as the dragons were not theirs to keep because once hatched the dragon had its own will. And yet here she had just seen an egg being sold, sold to a young boy who was not even old enough to be responsible for a dragon. 

Her eyes traveled to the small pen in which dragons, no larger than a house cat, walked about, looking somewhat bewildered and lost. Their size showed that they were clearly draglins, which were dragons that could have hatched no longer than five days ago, as after five days, a dragon grew to full size over a period of a few hours. How and why, no one knew, but dragons never had a long childhood, instead they lived a longer adult like. 

Akira watched as a few of the draglins tried to spread their small wings and fly, yet the top of the pen was firmly closed with wooden bars, too close together for the draglins to slip out of. A few seemed to realize the hopelessness of their situation and resigned to sitting on their hunches. Akira met the yellow eyes of one such draglin, a small female, a pale bay in color. Although a draglin was incapable of choosing a rider, and therefore could not communicate with a human, Akira was sure that this draglin was pleading with her to do something and she felt her heart split in two. 

A roar of pain and anger made Akira's eyes snap to the left just in time to see a full grown Orange dragon being driven into a closed cart, to which two dragons were strapped at the front. A few men had surrounded the dragon, each holding a thick tube in their hand that they had pointed at the dragon, something blue that was making a crackling sound, sparking at the end. Akira's eyes wondered to the dragon's wings to see that they seemed to somehow have been strapped down to its side so that he could not spread them. It seemed to at first fight against the men driving him, swishing his tail and trying to hit them, yet whenever he did so one of the men would seem to shoot a blue ball at the dragon and whenever it hit him it would make him stagger forward, screaming in pain, as he took that one step closer to the box, that one step closer to submission. 

Akira's eyes wondered from him to the large pen, similar to that of the draglins except much larger, in which full grown dragons were in, some running around, roaring in anger and pain, others standing still, hopelessness in their eyes. Well dressed men and women walked around the pen, some provoking the dragons on purpose, now and then pointing one out and asking a man who stood nearby, a question. 

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