chapter 11

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

"What did you do to her in the city?" Celine asked shooting Dominique a suspicious glare. 

"Nothing," Dominique replied. 

"It sure doesn't seem like nothing. She hasn't said a word since you came back," Celine said in an accusing voice. She shot Akira, who was sitting close to the fire camp with her knees drawn up to her chin, a worried look. 

Akira hadn't said much on the journey back from the city. Now she was only speaking when she had to, staring into the fire most of the time, looking as though something heavy weighed on her mind and Dominique was sure it had to do with what she had seen in the city. Most of the time her face was a complete mask and only her eyes would give away the fact that she was deep in thought about something. 

She seemed to have forgotten her fear of the dungeon, but Dominique guessed it was due to the fact that her mind was somewhere else altogether. She just wasn't here with her thoughts. He frowned, wondering if taking her see the city had been such a good idea. Yet the damage was done, it was too late to go back. 

"I think the city was just a shock, she'll come around," Dominique assured Celine, though he himself didn't feel all that sure. 

When bed time came Akira had left, going to the abandoned ruin. Even though she seemed to have forgotten her fear of the dungeon she seemed to prefer to still sleep outside. At first when she had disappeared Dominique was scared that he had lost her. Yet when he had found her curled up next to Breeze, leaning against him and already asleep, he understood that fear or no fear, she just wouldn't sleep in the dungeon. 

Seeing as his spot was taken beside Breeze Dominique had ended up finding a spot at the other side of the building and curling up into a similar position than Akira he fell fallen asleep, but not before he wondered if perhaps by tomorrow he would see the happy side of Akira once again.

Almost a week had passed since Dominique had taken Akira to see the city. She talked a bit more, just enough to keep Celine and the other women from fussing over her, yet she knew that Dominique was worried at her sudden change in behavior. But in truth, Akira was just trying to figure things out. At first she had been filled with horror, guilt and pain at thought that she was indirectly responsible for all the suffering the dragons were going through. Deep down she knew that it wasn't exactly her fault and yet she refused to point the blame at someone else. She was trying to figure out why things had turned out like this, wondering what she had done wrong in the past. 

Now she was sitting outside of Haiden's place, on the roof of a small house, one of the few among the ruins that had stayed intact. The question she had been asking herself for the last few days whirled around in her head over and over again. 

She and Redemption had fought against Haiden and won. So why was there no peace like there was supposed to be? Why were dragons now under mans rule as nothing more than slaves? Was defeating Haiden not enough? Akira frowned as she stared out into the ruins. A flock of birds flew past ahead, yet she did not see them as her thoughts raged on. A new one came to mind. 

Maybe there was a purpose for her to be here. Maybe if she set things right she could go back to her own time. The idea made her heart race faster. Now she was finally getting somewhere with her thoughts. Setting things right instead of sitting around and wondering about what she did wrong, it sounded like a plan. Her eyes widened as she realized that she might have just found out the reason she was here. 

Yet she knew that without Redemption she could not accomplish much. To tell the truth, without Redemption she could accomplish nothing. For she and Redemption completed each other. Redemption was stuck in the past.....but then again, she had somehow been brought through time to the future and she was sure that as Dominique had been in the field on the day she had come that he had something to do with it. What if it was possible to bring Redemption to this time as well? 

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