twenty two

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"Hello, Is this Jessica Walker?"

"Yes, may I ask who this is?" This man was calling me on Matt's phone. Matt is with Garrett. What's going on?

"Yes, this is Officer Parker." My heart starts beating faster and faster. "Your brother and his friend were in a car wreck on 22nd Street and Orange Avenue."

I think I just stopped breathing. The world has completely stopped turning, time is still. I am frozen.

What?" I stutter, completely in shock.

"They are on their way to the hospital right now."

"Can you tell me how it happened?" I can't believe I can speak at this moment, I'm in shock.

"We discovered the other driver driving under the influence. It looks like they were driving along when the man swerved into their lane and hit them head-on."

"Oh my god. I'm on my way." I immediately hung up, yanked some shoes on my feet, and ran to my car.

I had set out a bowl of food for Boomer so he had already eaten and there was plenty of water. I will get the neighbor to let him out soon if I need to.

I fired up the engine of Garrett's truck, and it roared to life. I shut the garage door and sped out of the driveway.

My heart was still beating as fast as it could. I felt like I could have a panic attack any second. I took a deep breath as I was stopped at a red light, only about ten minutes away from the hospital.

What if they aren't okay? What if I have to go back to Atlanta? What if he's?

The car behind me honked and it whipped me out of my thoughts. The light must have turned green. "Sorry," I muttered.

I kept my eyes trained on the road keeping my eyes on the lookout for the hospital. I saw the entrance for the emergency and turned sharply into the parking lot. I threw the car into park, barely turning It off before I jumped out of the car.

I sprinted to the entrance and the door automatically opened. There was a red-headed lady in her thirties sitting at the front desk. "Hi, excuse me?" I breathed slowly. My heart was beating a million times a minute. I felt like I was going to pass out any second.

She turned towards me, her name tag showing that her name was Lisa. "Yes?"

"Can you tell me where Matthew Walker and Garrett Adams are?"

"Matthew Is still in surgery, you won't be able to see him."

"When will he be out? I'm his sister."

"I'm sorry miss, we aren't sure. if you come back in a little he may be done."

"What about Garrett?"

"He's in room 5723, he's a lucky guy, barely had any cuts and bruises. You may want to give him some rest." I ignored her comment and ran towards the elevator, pushing the up button as I looked for which floor Garrett was on.

Was Matt really in that bad of shape?

The doors to the elevator opened and I jumped out, running down the hall and looking at each number on the door, hoping it was his.

He was on the corner, I stood outside of the door, frozen. I was scared. I turned the knob slowly, praying he was okay. Even though the nurse said he was.

The door clicked open and I walked in, greeted by a body in a hospital gown. He was asleep. I take a minute to look at him. His eyes had more bags under them than usual. There was a large scrape across his forehead which looked like it had been stitched up. There was a bandage on his hand, he'd just been cut by glass. His other arm was in a sleeve, he must have broken it.

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