chapter 13

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

Ray had the Resistance move camp a day later. Akira helped Celine with packing a few belongings the night before. When dawn came the first wave of the Resistance left. Having only a few dragons they had to go in two waves, with the first group taking most of the possessions and a few of the Resistance along. The dragons would drop them off at the new hideout and then come back for the rest. Precautions were taken against Watchers and two dragons and riders remained on watch the entire time, accompanying the group from a distance, just out of sight, to make sure that there was no one following. 

Dominique stayed back with Akira and the few others that were going along with the second wave. Breeze had gone on, carrying belongings, to assist the first group. He came back at noon with the other dragons, ready to take the rest. 

Akira dashed into the ruins and grabbed her sword white clothes, wrapping them up in a bundle and keeping her sword out of sight, just as Dominique had advised. She returned to the castle to find that Dominique was already sitting on Breeze, waiting. There were ten dragons waiting in all, all of them with two riders on them. As she approached Breeze and Dominique Akira shot Ray a look to see that he was seated on top of a large, light purple, female dragon. He was seated alone, Celine already having gone with the first group. 

Upon reaching Breeze's side Akira turned her attention back to Dominique. She handed him her small bundle, which he took off her and tied to the side of the saddle. He turned and offered Akira a helping hand to get on, yet she ignored it and pulled herself up, seeing Dominique roll his eyes out of the corner of her eyes, as she took a seat in front of him. 

And then Ray's dragon spread her wings and lifted off and without hesitation all the other dragons followed. As Breeze lifted up Dominique snaked his arms around Akira's waist. Akira frowned as she realized that he seemed to have pulled her closer than usual, too close for comfort. She shifted slightly, making sure that there was a small gap between them. Something told her that Dominique was maybe getting the wrong feelings towards her, that they were maybe a bit more than just friends and Akira did not want to lead him on. No, she had Seth, back in her own time. 

Seth. She smiled as she saw his warm brown eyes in her mind. How she felt when he held her close, when he kissed her....she was jolted out of her thoughts as Breeze did a sharp right turn. Glancing up she saw that all the dragons were doing the same, synchronizing as they turned right and then flew straight, rising higher and higher all the time. 

Curiosity filled Akira as she wondered what the next hide out would look like, for Dominique had told her nothing about it. Knowing that she would just have to wait and see Akira made herself comfortable, watching the scenery pass by below. The warm sun, the gentle wind on her face and the movement of the dragon beneath her were too lulling, and before she knew it she had fallen asleep.

Akira found herself on Redemption's back, flying over the bare, harsh lands below, chasing Haiden's forces at a brisk pace. She leaned forward on her dragon's neck, urging him to go faster. They could not let what remained of Haiden's forces get away, not now that they had them, for it was these very forces that were still causing trouble, terrorizing certain villages. 

And then she was suddenly standing on the ground below, looking up and watching her dragon fly overhead. Confused Akira reached out to Redemption's mind, yet to her surprise she could not find it. It was as though her connection with him was broken or....that was when she noticed that Haiden's forces seemed to have disappeared and that Redemption was flying in circles, going lower and lower, his head turned down, eyes fixed on the ground below, as though looking for someone. 

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