1 Bitch and Moron

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It's late. I need to rush or I will miss the bus. And Mr.Cooper, my employer will not take kindly to me being late two consecutive days. I need to wake up a little earlier than 5 a.m to finish cooking. Mum and two of my step sisters hardly lift a thumb when I am at home. So, the burden of breakfast and dinner falls on me. If I am home, I do lunch as well. My step dad, never happy no matter what I do, and makes sure I work for my keep. Well, I pay him rent for the room I keep. It is for food I need to work for he says.

I am 23. My step sister Shermila is 25 and Faiza is 22. My step dad is a director of one of the IT companies in New York. "They" have sufficient money. It is me who is working for minimum wage. The house we live in is supper luxurious in one of the fine neighborhoods. I get $2000 from my job. I pay $1000 rent and food. For transportation and taxi I pay $700. I am saving the other $300. I haven't had a dress in over 2 years. I wear hand downs from my step sisters. My mother married my step father when I was 10. Well,from then it's pretty clear where I stand in the family.

I am one of those people who wear abaaya in the neighborhood. I am 5"7 tall, slim and fair in complexion. My father was from Palestine. Mother is from Pakistan. Father died in one of his trip to Palestine, killed by the military in one of their bombing. I haven't met my fathers relatives.

My mother is a socially active person with friends, tea parties and all nonsense. Soon after my father died, she married my step father who had two daughters of his own. And I became the spare wheel in the happy family.

Soon after collage, I started to work and here I am, rushing myself to office. My step father take this route to his office but he certainly didn't want to take his step daughter. Well, whatever my faults are, one thing no one can blame me is my optimism. I am generally a happy person.

My step dad Asad is talking about marriage lately with my mother. I overheard my name few times. I have a bad feelings things are going to get complicated. I must be mad or stupid to marry whoever my supposedly caring parents choose. Shermila and Faiza hate me. They cant stand me despite me making many efforts over the years. Now I have given up any attempts. Though they are rude and condescending all times, I treat them with indifference.

My close friend is Marry. She is my partner is crime, not that we commit any crime. From school till now, we are the good girls, teachers pet and religious ones. And we work at the same place.


I am drunk. I don't know who is this blond sleeping next to me naked but I don't think I care. Time for the bitch to go away. I have work to do. I like women only when I f*ck them. when I am done, I want them gone.

The blond woke up. "Please go. You have served your purpose darling" she was shocked to hear my rude order. I don't care.

"Will we meet again" she asked. Women love me. I know that. I am 6"2, well muscled from my gym, blue eyes, clear skin, brown hair. Every girls dream in short.

"Not in this life time" she opened her mouth but I got up. "I want you gone within an hour or I will toss you out"

"You bastard" she spat at me.

"I am darling. I sure am" I told her.

I don't have family. My mother left me with my abusive grandparents when I was a baby. I never heard of her again. My father, I don't know. It can be anyone. The only people I know and hate until my dying days are my grand parents and my aunties - Anne and Cami. Oh yes, payback time will come. I will hold on till then.

My grandparents absolutely torture me. Except death, I knew all pain. My birth circumstances were given as a possession of demonic influence and I was dragged from church to church, healer to healer, psychic to psychic and torture to torture. I was beaten until I was unconscious. I was kept on the freezing snow, and boiling waters. Yes. That's what I went through until I was 10. I was physically and verbally abused. I slept on the floor, ate what is left over, work as long until I drop down from fatigue, and I stayed and prayed they will like me, until I was 10.

From hate, to Lust to LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant