twenty seven

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It's prom season. Every girl's favorite time of the year.

Personally, I could care less about the actual prom. My favorite part is the pictures...and of course the dinner.

Left and right at school this week there has been numerous Promposals. Then there's me, anxiously waiting on mine. Will we even go to Prom? We haven't spoken a word about prom.

It was almost time for me to leave, I was in sixth period. Fifteen more minutes and I can leave. I wish Garrett was in this class, but he has weight training this period at the field house.

At least I have Savannah in here. AP Lang is probably my most difficult class by far. It is so much reading and writing, but I'm hanging in there.

"Jess?" Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around, and it was Sav, "Yeah?"

"Can you come with me to my locker after class? Please?" She folded her hands begging me to go with her.

"Of course!" I smiled, turned around, and acted like I was paying attention to my teacher.

Eventually, the bell rang for class to be dismissed and we ran out of her class as fast as we could. Sav's locker was in the main hallway of school, so it was basically on my way out of school.

She placed her books in her locker and turned towards me as we start walking towards the exit to my car, "Question."

"I may have an answer," I respond.

"Do you think Matt truly loves me?"

"Of course, you are literally the only thing he talks about. Is everything okay with you two?"

"I don't know, he has just been really distant lately. I've tried to talk about it with him, but he keeps reassuring me he is okay."

I think about anything that could be bringing my twin down, then it hits me. "Today is my father's birthday."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yeah, he is probably just upset that he hasn't been able to see him for a while. He probably just wants a little space."

"You're probably right. I won't worry about it too much."

I stopped in my tracks at the sight in front of me. There Garrett Adams stood, holding a Promposal. I ran up to him and kissed him, "Babe, oh my gosh!"

"Do you like it?" He had a smile on his lips.

"Of course, and yes, a million times yes!"

The sign said 'This thought has been running through my mind. PROM?' In his hand were the shoes I had my eye on for the past month.

I can't believe he knew I wanted these. I hugged him tightly, "I love you so much!"

He laughed, "I love you too, Jess." I looked at my surroundings, all of my friends were here.

I gasped, "Sav! Were you in on this whole shenanigan?"

She laughed and nodded, "I'm sorry he needed extra time getting everything set up!"

"I can't believe y'all actually could keep your mouths shut all day about this, it's shocking." I silently screamed while I held my new shoes in my hands. They were beautiful. They were white and raw pink.

Eventually, they all scattered away so it was finally just me and Garrett. "How did you know I wanted these?"

"A little birdy told me. Plus, every time we are in a shoe store you go over to them and drool."

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