chapter 17

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

"It may be boring, but at least it might get us somewhere," Breeze mimicked his rider as he trudged back towards the Red Dragon. "I still can't believe you dragged me along only to sit walk and watch or sit and watch the academy and then in the end find out that it got us NOWHERE! What an utter waste of time!" he snorted. 

"Hey, how was I supposed to know that we wouldn't see much from the city roads?" Dominique protested as he slouched on his dragons back. 

"See much?" Breeze snorted in disbelief. "Other than the entrance we didn't see a thing! There's not even a road going close to that place!" 

"I'm sorry," Dominique sighed. 

"You should be," Breeze replied grumpily thinking of a million other ways they could have spent the day. 

"We'll try a different method tomorrow," Dominique murmured as Breeze turned into the busy streets that were now lit up by the night lights, the sun having set only moments before. 

"A different method?" Breeze groaned. 

"Don't worry," Dominique told him, "I'll go back to the good old fashioned way." 

"Asking around?" Breeze asked catching on, "And how will you do that without raising suspicion?" 

"Anibal owes me a favor," was Dominique's reply. 

"Anibal is a fool who knows nothing," Breeze snorted. 

"He can direct me to someone who does, someone who will talk with a little persuasion." 

"And if that doesn't work? Will you finally give up this crazy plan and go back home?" Breeze asked, wondering why his rider had agreed to help Akira in the first place, although deep down inside he knew why. 

Dominique didn't respond to his dragon. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he didn't find a way in to the academy, of what he would have to tell Akira, of how he would have to make her give her plan up and persuade her to go back home with him. As they headed back to the Red Dragon Dominique couldn't help but wonder if her day had gone any better than his.

Akira sat by a table with Anita to her right, Savannah to her left, and a bunch of guys she didn't know across from her, with whom Savannah was flirting shamelessly. The guy across Akira, a brown haired brown eyed dude, had tried to strike up conversation with her a few times, yet the loud music and the flashing lights made Akira unable to hear him half of the time. 

Throughout the entire day Akira had found herself being dragged throughout the city, from one shopping area to another. It had been as though as soon as they started doing one thing Savannah would change her mind and rush off to the next. In the end they had gone shopping half of the day and then hung out a small booth selling food and drinks for the rest. When Akira had refused to buy anything Savannah had pressed her, telling that she should pick something out and she would pay. When Akira politely turned down the offer Savannah became only more determined and in the end Akira had given in, letting her buy her a simple white dress and slippers to go along with it, both of which she was currently wearing. 

At the end of the day, when the sun began to slip down behind the horizon, the girls had headed back to the Red Dragon. When Akira had found that Dominique was not back yet Savannah had persuaded her to sit with them until he came. Yet now as she sat staring at the people dancing and listening to the loud music, Akira felt tired and uncomfortable once again, not appreciating the noise any more than the night before. 

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