thirty one

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I woke up and my eyes immediately opened to show that I was home.

I was back home.

What if all of that was a dream? What if I was living in a dream that I could forever wish was reality? But it wasn't, this was real life. The handsome man beside me, his arm was draped over me. He was possessive over me, I loved it. It was almost as if he couldn't stand not touching me. It was almost that he was clingy, not that I minded, I was as clingy as him. We were just two kids in love.

I rolled over to face him, I watched him sleep for a moment before I started rubbing my hand up and down his arm softly, trying to wake him up. His eyes opened, and his lips twitched up forming into a smile, "Good morning, princess." He kissed my cheek, his stubble scratching my skin. Not that I minded, I found it sexy.

"Good morning!" I smiled up at him, he was the reason why my mornings were so good. Because most of the time I get to wake up next to him.

We stared at each other for a second, letting me fall in love with him again. We decided to take a shower then we would head out to our next destination. Once we were finally ready to hit the road I turned to Garrett, "So how did you like the stay at my home?"

"I feel like I've known you for years now."

I laughed, "I can see that, I'm glad you didn't know me in my middle school days. So, do you like Georgia so far?"

"It's pretty cool, it's rural and urban at the same time."

"Yeah, mostly depending on what part of it you're in. I have to tell you something."


"My Dad texted me earlier and said we could take one of his cars, and keep it."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah! Just In case any of ours breaks down in California."

"Holy shit, I love your dad." He picked me up and spun me around his arms. I threw my head back and laughed.

"Well, you get to choose which one." He darts into the garage looking at the collectibles of expensive cars laid out in our six-car garage.

His hand slides across the black metallic Maserati Quattro Porte GTS Gran Sport, "This is sexy as hell." His eyes flutter into the back of his head.

"If I wasn't so sure, I would think you were having an orgasm for this car."

"I'm fixing to, babe, this thing is so nice!"

"I've never driven it. I think he must have recently gotten it."

"Wow. It's beautiful."

"And it's yours."

He looked at me and grinned, "You mean ours." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the keys off of the counter and tossed them swiftly to Garrett.

I grabbed our luggage, brought it to the car, and took a deep breath before I closed the door. "Here's goodbye to the past, and hello to the future," I whispered. I slid my hand down on the wooden door and then backed away.

This would be the last time I ever visited my old house. It's not much of a home anymore, just scattered boxes and memories floating around. A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, "Are you okay Jessica?"

I sighed, leaning into his arms, "Yeah, I will be. Let's just go have some fun, wherever we are going." He gave me a sympathetic smile, taking my hand and leading me to the passenger side of the car. He swiftly opened the door for me and kissed my forehead before I got in.


Ten hours later we finally arrived at our destination. Miami. I left my home in California to go to Florida. The same place, but on different sides of the United States. "We are going to the beach?"

"Jessie, shush, I've never been to the Atlantic Ocean, give me a break."

I laughed, "I love Miami, it is so beautiful at night."

"Can't be half as beautiful as you."

"Oh, Stop!" I laughed.

We walked into the elegant hotel he had reserved for the week. There were extravagant paintings hung up in the hallways. There were few people out right now, probably because it was late.

We checked in and made our way to the hotel room. When we arrived, there was a huge king-sized bed with a beautiful view of the ocean with a balcony. "Wow, this is breathtaking. You truly are the best boyfriend ever."

"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend." He shuffled around the kitchen, "Hey look, they brought us champagne!" He popped the top off, "Shall we?"

"Hell yeah!" We grabbed two glasses out of the cabinets and evenly poured them into the glasses.

"Cheers!" We simultaneously said and took a huge gulp of it.

After three glasses I was very tipsy. "Hey babe?" My mind was fuzzy, I wasn't thinking anymore, just saying things. I wasn't sure if Garrett was at all, if he was, he wasn't showing it.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"You know what would be fun?" I giggled.

"What?" He looked into my eyes and grinned. His smile was so perfect. Every time he smiled, I started to fall in love with him all over again.

I ran my hands down his chest, "If we had drunk sex."

"Seems interesting." He licked his lips, pulling me closer to him. "I think I could arrange that."

I laughed and then stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. He deepened the kiss, picking me up off of the balcony and bringing me into the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and started teasing me by biting my ear. "Babe, stop, I want to fuck you!"

He immediately started moving his lips down to my neck leaving love bites everywhere possible. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I loved his touch. His lips against my skin, the way our bodies fit perfectly like a puzzle, the way he glazes into my eyes. It's the reason I love him. I love every single thing about him.


"Fuck." I moaned, and rolled over on the bed, shoving the pillow under my head so I couldn't see the light that was being through the windows.

"Remind me to never drink again." He replied, rolling over towards me groaning.

"Aspirin. Please."

"I'm on it." He slowly climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen to retrieve the medication and water to help our hangovers.

As he walked over to me I shielded my eyes, "Ew, you're naked!"

"Yeah because someone thought it would be a good idea to have drunk sex." I blushed at the thought of it and took the aspirin out of his half, gulping it down with some water.

"So, when this hangover goes away do you want to go walk around town and shop?"

"Sounds good. I will go hop in the shower now." He nodded in agreement and I waited for him to turn around before I sprinted to the bathroom, I don't know why, he has seen me naked so many times. I'm still so insecure about parts of my body. I know I shouldn't be, but it's just so hard not to be.

I took a shower and got ready to go shopping, I left my face bare, only putting on a little coat of mascara so I didn't look like a boy. I put my hair in a messy bun, an off-the-shoulder salmon top, with a pair of washed denim shorts. I slipped on my sandals and found Garrett, without a shirt sitting on the couch.

"Babe, where's your shirt?"

"Jess, we are in Miami. I can wear whatever I want."

I laughed, "Hm, okay. But I won't like all of the ladies drooling all over your sexy body."

"You know this is yours and only yours." He pointed to his lower abdomen.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed a button-up shirt from his bag, and threw it at him. "Put it on, but I don't care if you button it up." He groaned and put it on buttoning up a few of the buttons.

We walked around town, stopping at some casual places to look around and shop. I bought Matt a keychain and a shot glass to bring back to him, I know he will love it.

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