thirty two

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"My '65 speeding up the PCH, a hell of a ride

They don't wanna see us make it, they just wanna divide

2017 Bonnie and Clyde

Wouldn't see the point of living on if one of us died".

I screamed the lyrics to Him & I by G-Eazy, as me and Garrett drove down the beach highway. We had the top off of the car, my hands were shot up in the air, and my hair was everywhere. It was insane. We eventually pulled off of the highway to a cute little restaurant on the beach. Now that my hair was completely messed up, I grabbed a travel hair brush to put through my knotted hair. I was wearing a blue dress and nude heels. I honestly loved dressing up for date nights.

We sat down at a table that was facing the water. The blue ocean was the same color as Garrett's eyes. "So, we need to talk about something."

Is he breaking up with me here? Couldn't he have done this earlier or something? "About what?"


"Interesting topic, continue."

"I think we shouldn't choose our college based on each other. This is the rest of our lives we are talking about, you need the best education, and I want to further my football career."

"Yeah, I agree, how about we don't tell each other where we are going until signing day?"

"Sounds good. I don't want you choosing a crappy college because of me, I want you to be at the best of the best."

"I want you to go to the best place Garrett, you deserve it with all of the hard work you have done these past few years." He smiled at me, and grabbed my hand from across the table, squeezing it. I really couldn't imagine living life without him, but I know we will have to go our separate ways someday.

This may just be the hardest decision I've ever made except I have this one special place I have in mind. And I only have two weeks until signing day, so I need to figure out my life.


I lay on the beach, tanning, holding a book in my hand. It was by Rupi Kaur. Everyone had been saying super good things about them, so I went and bought one. Her books are filled with numerous poems about love and life.

I was on this one quote that my eye,

"The world

Gives you

So much pain

And here you are

Making gold out of it.

There is nothing purer than that."

I smiled thinking about numerous people that the poem could relate to. I turned to my right, and Garrett was passed out in a chair in the shade. I giggled, his mouth was slightly opened, and you could barely see his face because his hat was pulled down.

I walk over to him and touch his shoulder, waking him up gently. His hand immediately flew up to his hat, pulling it upwards so I could see his face. "Hey." His voice sounded so husky, I loved guys' voices when they woke up, something about the raspiness made me feel some kind of way.

"Hey, do you want to go to the boardwalk and play some of the carnival games?"

He smirked at me, "Is that a question?" He immediately jumps up, sliding his shoes on, and starts walking, "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"Wait that's not fair!" I immediately slipped on a pair of shorts and my flip-flops, not having time to put on a shirt, but it was okay since we were at the beach, "Garrett!" I started jogging so I could catch up to him, he was already there though. I sighed, slowing back down to a walk. It was pointless, I'll find him when I get there.

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