thirty three

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It was officially signing day. We would all be announcing the schools we would be attending for the next semester, this afternoon in the school's auditorium. I was nervous, to say the least. I don't want to leave everyone.

The school I chose is so far away, that I know it will be hard to stay in touch with everyone. All of us that were signing to a school were lined up in sections. I happened to be in the first group. I sat in the chair and saw all of my friends sitting in the audience cheering.

The first girl to go announced she would be attending the University of Oregon for soccer. The second person announced he would be playing football for Texas A&M University. He was amazing, he was our cornerback. He was a five-star; our school is going to hit hard when he leaves.

It was finally my turn. "Hi, my name is Jessica Walker. I have chosen a school that everyone knows I am going to choose. I have always dreamed of living there in this beautiful city."

I laugh, nervously. "I will be attending Columbia University for Cross Country and Track and Field, as well as for academics. I have been granted a full-ride scholarship. I have been very blessed with this opportunity and I thank God for pushing me every step of the way. Thank you everyone for believing in me!" I smiled, placing the Columbia University hat on my head, then signed the papers. The audience cheered loudly for me and I blinked to get rid of the tears forming in my eyes. I looked at Garrett in the audience and he had the brightest smile on his face. I gave a small sad smile at him and focused back on the next kid that was signing.

Our group finished and I went to the audience to take a seat to watch the rest. Garrett would be the first one to announce where he would be going. The anticipation was killing me.

He cleared his throat before he spoke. "Hey, I'm Garrett Adams." He paused for a moment.

"The school I have chosen has given me an amazing opportunity. Their starting running back will be graduating this year, and they have granted me his starting position." He smiled and gave a small laugh. "It was unbelievable when they called me about it. I just couldn't pass up this opportunity."

He looked dead straight at me not blinking an eye, "So I would like to announce that I will be a part of the class of 2021 at Columbia University."

I covered my mouth and gasped, "Oh my God." He was still looking at me and smirked. I wanted to go up there and hug him so badly, but I had to wait until everyone was finished. I couldn't be rude and unfair to others.

As soon as the section was over he immediately jumped down off of the stage and I jumped into his arms hugging the life out of him, "Oh my god, Garrett!"

"You don't know how badly I wanted to tell you about this baby. I've been dying to tell you." I placed my hand on his jawline and kissed him hard, I could feel the tears streaming down my eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby girl."

The next section was starting so we quickly took our seats so we could see my twin brother sign. I looked at Matt and smiled. He looked back at me and smirked.

"Hi! I'm Matt Walker." He waved into the audience, "I will be attending the University of Georgia for the class of 2021. They have offered me an amazing baseball scholarship I couldn't pass up so I would just like to say, 'Go Dawgs'!" I cheered as loud as I could for him, he was going back home! I couldn't believe it. What about Savannah?

I guess they would figure things out themselves. She would be attending the University of California, Los Angeles. Her mother has been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer, so she wanted to be here for her. It's going to suck not having her with me anymore since we got so close this year. As well as Alexis and Paige, but we just didn't have the connection me and Savannah had.

After the signing was over, we all went over to this cute little diner where we sat in the corner and drank milkshakes and ate burgers. Typical diner. I ordered a brownie milkshake. They had the best ones in the county. I looked around at our table looking at everyone.

It was me, Garrett, Matt, Savannah, Alexis, and even Hayes decided to come down here and eat with us. I took a sip of my milkshake before I held it up in the air, "Cheers, to almost finishing high school!"

They all simultaneously picked up their drinks, clinking them together, and screamed, "Cheers!" Across the restaurant.

"So, since we are almost graduating, I think it is only fair if we take a senior trip somewhere," Alexis exclaimed.

"That would be so much fun!" Savannah replied.

"Yeah, sounds like fun!" The rest of us replied.

"Where then?" Alexis asked.

The three boys looked at each other with a devilish grin, "Vegas baby!"

My eyes widened at the fact they wanted to go gambling for our senior trip then I realized, "I'm only seventeen I can't gamble." I pouted.

"Wait Jess- I think our birthday is on graduation," Matt replied. Oh, I forgot I had a twin.

"Really?" I perked up. "Then let's go!"

I've always wanted to visit Vegas, I love loud places, and busy streets, but mostly the noise. Plus, the fact I've always wanted to gamble. Every time I've tried, I got kicked out of the casino.

Savannah sighed, "I don't turn eighteen until a few days after you guys."

"By the time we get there and everything, it will probably be your birthday," Garrett said.

"Plus, that would be an insane way to start your birthday," Hayes added.

"Yeah, just how I want to spend my birthday, drunk and poor because I've drowned my loss of money in liquor," Savannah replied.

"Don't be a negative Nancy, this will be fun! Let's do it!" Alexis said.

"Well, it looks like we are going to Vegas!"

I turned towards Garrett and whispered in his ear, "Who do you think will get drunk and marry each other first?"

"Matt and Savannah." He whispered back, which made me start to giggle.

"Well, I've always wondered what it's like to have a sister." He grinned at me and then focused back on the group for planning.

We decided we would leave the day after graduation and stay for a week or a week and a half. All of the couples will pay for their room, but we can request a hotel room in a similar area.

I have already decided to take a small amount of cash to pay for the games, and nothing else. I will not use every single dime of mine on these silly slot machines. I will only use my card for shopping and food.

That is my plan at least.

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