Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A Movie Situation

Like many nights of the month, Mason was relaxed in Jasmine's house. But unlike most nights, instead of finding himself snuggled into her Purple bed, Mason sat next to his friend on her lounge room couch.

Her dad had the living room locked down for today's baseball game but there were two more common rooms with massive flat-screen TVs that the three teenagers could use.

Lying down on the soft leather couch reclined completely made Mason wonder why she didn't bring him there more often. Mason felt like he was lying down in one of the most wonderfully designed beds but it really was just a couch, and he was watching Kingsman through all of it.

Mason went over to Jasmine's house frequently and most of those times were spent in Jasmine's room using their phones, playing cards, or chatting and gossiping the afternoon away with their other friend, Clark.

Today, however, Clark was busy with work and Mark joined them. Though he did join Jasmine, Mason, and Clark most of the time, it was usually for a small part of the night with their other friend, Daniel, before the two boys did stuff on their own.

That was mainly because Mason, Jasmine, and Clark enjoyed talking about some stuff that Daniel and Mark didn't and certain things that Daniel and Mark liked to do weren't what the other three teens liked, so they spent time in separate groups, and time altogether.

But today was different. Daniel hadn't come over for some random reason that Mark hadn't specified so Mark went to join his sister and Mason. The minute Mason got there, Mark was already comfortable on Jasmine's bed and they started talking.

But after Mark spent several minutes just ranting to Mason and Jasmine about how amazing Kingsman was they reluctantly agreed to watch it.

So the aforementioned third teen was Mark who sat on the other side of Mason at the edge of his seat, biting his fist to refrain from commenting or spoiling something about the movie.

Though Mason tried to ignore little things like this he couldn't help but acknowledge how abruptly Jasmine changed her course of travel from the middle cushion to the one right next to it when the three of them came downstairs to watch the movie.

Mason had wondered why until he realized that no matter where he sat now since it was a three seat couch, he would have to be thigh to thigh with Mark.

A fleeting thought of sitting on one of the other singular couches came to him, but he almost instantaneously shot it down because the view of the TV from one of those was bad and he knew that if he sat in one of those one person seats it would be painfully obvious that he was avoiding Mark and he wasn't about to make this a bigger deal then it needed to be.

So he sucked up his stupid hesitation and sat down next to Jasmine, hoping that his pause wasn't obvious. But Jasmine noticed when Mason paused briefly after she suddenly changed her seat.

She had tried to look natural when the idea to sit down at one of the sides came to her again. She had cooked it up the moment they confirmed watching a movie and was able to convince the other two guys that watching the movie in one of the common rooms instead of the theatre room would be better.

She had said that hooking up the projector would be so much work for three people and that watching it in a common room was easier. All she had to do was just mention the lounge room and they fell right into her trap.

She just forgot why she had them sit in that room in particular when she saw that beautiful couch. Out of pure habit, she went towards the middle seat changing midway for the end spot.

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