The chickens

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Once upon a time there was an egg. This egg was a special one. It was gold and had speckles of red in it. Perhaps the strangest part of the egg, was that it was always warm. There was one other egg think this.
The eggs, over time, hatched and the chicks lived a relatively normal childhood. One fatefull day one of the chickens wanted to go swimming. The chick jumped into the water with his friends and the water got so warm that all of the fisheries said, "Tank Tu Fo Tat Warm Wata."
The chick got scared and murdered the fishes and his friends... This little chicken went to jail.
The other chick tried running a lemonade stand for money. Whenever he touched a glass of lemonade it got warm. The local Rooster Patrol caught wind of this and rode aaaalllllll the way to this chicks house by the pond. While they were going they were doing the standard Patrol sound "cocka doodle doo, I'm gonna getz u!!!!"
That chick got put in the same jail. While the other chick was at the jail, he developed a nickname. His nickname was Dat1WarmGuy. The other chicks nickname was ThatOneWurmGi. Both of the chickens hated the jail,Do one day they decided the BURN IT. They ran in circles around each other, going so fast they caught in fire! The jail got on fire, the math classroom with Ms. Parker caught on fire. The English room caught on fire. But not the science room rattlesnakes said no. The the world burned.

Te End

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