Bonus: Chapter Two

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It had been three months since my family had passed away. I passed the time grieving by partying, drinking, and fooling around.

This morning I got terrible news from Matt. He was practically my brother now, and I could never thank him enough for what he had done for me.

He had informed me that his sister would be coming to live with us. I wasn't as mad as I should have been. I've seen pictures of her and my goodness, she was smoking hot.

Her blonde hair came down to her breasts and she had these beautiful brown eyes. When I first saw Matt's lock screen I was basically in love with her.

God her body! It had all the right curves in the right places.

I just wanted to squeeze her hips and bend her over-

Garrett! What are you talking about? That is your best friend's sister for Christ's sake! Twin sister to be exact.


When I picked up Matt's phone one day there she was on his lock screen. The first time I had seen her. I almost dropped it before asking him who it was.

"My sister." He shortly responded.

"She's-." I didn't want to say hot, I mean yes, she was hot, but she was just out of this world. "Gorgeous."

"Thanks, we are twins after all."

"No shit! I didn't know you were a twin!" My mouth dropped open as I looked at the picture of her and back to him. "Y'all look nothing alike."

"Fraternal." He responded with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and threw him his phone before going back to watching the TV.


It was almost midnight now, I was hanging out at a party down the street from the beach house. I was sitting alone, staring at the ocean.

I just wonder why god had kept me but taken away my parents. Every day I ask myself that.

Why me?

I rolled my eyes as another girl slid into the spot on the couch next to me. Her arm snakes around my bicep before squeezing it and looking up at me with a devilish look in her eyes.

"Hey, Garrett." Her seductive voice says. I looked down at her outfit she was wearing a very low-cut top and her breasts were almost popped out of the shirt.

My eyes traveled lower to her shirt which was nonexistent. She should have just come nude.

"Tiffany." I nod greeting her before pulling my phone out and messing around on it.

"You look bored, want to have a little fun?"

I groaned before standing up to leave, "No, Tiffany I'm going home."

"Can I come?"


Stupid girls. Ever since Emma and I broke whatever we had off, I had gone a little crazy. I finally realized I shouldn't be sleeping girls to cope with my depression.

The next girl I would date would be it for me.

I don't care if I have to wait until I'm forty-five. The next girl I want to date, I will marry.

I walk along the beach back to the house where I live now. I missed my old home. I haven't been back there since the day I moved out.

I had sold it, not wanting to be alone there.

Sure, I miss my old home. It was the house I grew up in. I miss my family even more. I try to visit them at the local cemetery as often as I can.

I eventually reached the house and I quietly crept inside without trying to make too much noise. I notice new belongings scattered across the house. She must be here.

I should have asked for her name...

I made my way up to my room to head to sleep. I felt the urge to just go see if she was awake.

I'd feel like a bad guy if I didn't go and introduce myself.

I sniffed my shirt and realized it smelled like smoke and booze. I went into my room and took a quick shower. I stood in the doorway of my room peering at her room that was just across the hall.

Should I do it? Fuck it. I'm doing it. I slowly open the door to find her fast asleep.

Should I wake her? I may scare her.

I sit on the edge of the bed and just think if I should say something.

Before I knew it, I lay down and fell asleep.


There was a bunch of noise and moving around when I woke up. I wanted to punch whoever was moving around so much. The person screamed and I felt the bed dip realizing that they were out of bed.

It sounded like a girl scream but I'm not sure because Matt has a pretty girly scream.

I grumbled and turned away from the noise, "Five more minutes' babe." I then tried to fall back asleep. These sheets were so silky and comfy that I didn't want to get up.

"Jess, are you okay?" Matt's voice woke me up again. Oh shit. I'm in her room. I stayed still trying not to let them notice that I was awake. That would be super awkward...

He ripped the rest of the covers off of me completely exposing me and I groaned. I didn't want to get up. It's so comfy. He pulled me out of bed and dragged me out of the door.

I finally opened my eyes when we got outside of the door and Matt's fist collided with my arm.

"Ow, what the hell man!" I grumbled rubbing my arm.

We went into my room and he closed the door, "What the hell were you doing in her room?"

I sit on the edge of my bed and run my hands through my hair, "I went to introduce myself last night but she was asleep and then I somehow fell asleep. I swear."

He then bursts out laughing, "Really man? You're dumb as fuck."

I roll my eyes before letting out a laugh myself. "Tell me something I don't know."

We then sit in silence for a minute before he asks, "How was the party last night?"

"Boring." I shrug, "I left after I smoked a little."

"Any girls?" He seductively wiggles his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "No, but Tiffany was all over me last night."

"She's hot as fuck! Why didn't you do something with her?"

"I told you, the next girl I date will be the one I marry. I'm done with messing around." I felt too wise to only be seventeen. I was supposed to be enjoying my teen years and I wasn't even able to do that because of my parent's death. I had to grow up.

"And have you found that girl yet?"

I pause for a minute before I respond, "You know, I think I have."

He looks at me curiously, "It's my sister, isn't it?"

I pursed my lips, was he going to kill me if I said yes? I took a deep breath before I nodded. I couldn't dare to look at him.

I heard Matt take a loud breath before saying, "Just don't break her heart, okay?"

Then he stood up and left.

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