The Game

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The best part of football games? The adrenaline. The second-best part? Seeing my now girlfriend cheering me on from the sidelines of the cheer team.

Hearing her shout, "Go Colton!" as I'm booking it down the field makes me feel incredible on the inside.

I don't think I have ever played a game as good as I was playing this one. My passes have been spot on and I have been able to assist over five touchdowns in these three quarters. There were five minutes left in the fourth quarter of the game. We were up seven points desperately trying to keep the lead but our opponents were playing dirty. It also didn't help that those douchebags from Chelsea were the ones we were playing against. They were roughing our players like hell. I'm just glad I didn't have to face one of them as I played, if I did I would have started a fight by now.

I huddled up my teammates around me as we called a time-out. I turn to look at my coach who throws me a sign of one of the hardest plays we had ever practiced before. Thanks, Dad. Well, it wasn't a hard play. It was hard for me.

The reason?

I'm the one who has to score.

What did you say? A quarterback scoring? It's rare. But, we have to do it to keep the lead.

"Running touchdown," I mumble to the team and place my hand forward in the huddle. They all place their hands in the circle and we yell, "Break!"

I smack the side of my helmet twice and look for my girl who is sending me a dashing smile. She's my good luck charm for sure. We lined up on the thirty-line yard where our last play had stopped. I take a deep breath before I take my position behind the center. I'm overthinking this so much. Just fucking do it, Colton, you pussy.

"Set!" I scream and let the players and I take our positions. "Green 80, green 80, hut-hut!" I call out and the center snaps the ball to me on the second hut and I easily catch it in my hands.

I take a step backward and fake left and right before I sprint towards the end zone. I feel someone hot on my heels as I make my way by the fifteen-yard line. I didn't dare to look back at him because if I did I would probably trip knowing my luck. As I near the end zone I hear cheers erupting in the crowd which makes a grin start to form on my lips. It gives me more adrenaline as I pick up my pace a little more. I reach my destination and slam the football on the ground before pointing my finger at the sky and thanking the man for making this possible.

I turn around lazily to see the familiar Chelsea jersey with the number '15' written on the front. I stop and smirk, "Nice try, Brandon," I spat.

He held his hand out with a smug grin, "Man, I gotta give it to you. That play wasn't half bad."

I hesitate before I shake it, "Thanks?"

"Too bad Daddy had to call it for you," he sneered.

I take a half step back before I start to raise my fist but unfortunately, the whistle blew before I could put one where he deserved it. Anyways, it's probably a bad idea to fight with pads on. I couldn't do the damage I would want to do.

I huff before running off the field and slamming my ass on a chair, taking my helmet off, and running a hand through my hair. One of the trainers offered me water and I gladly took it as I watched the play unfold for the field goal. As the kicker kicks the ball in between the field goalposts, the buzzer goes off alarming us that it was the end of the game. I smile standing up, cheering along with the rest of the guys.

A pair of hands wrap around my arm yanking me backwards. I almost stumble but luckily my cleats keep me stable. "Nice job, baby," she cheers.

I smile down at her before grabbing her by the waist picking her up and kissing her on the lips. "I really liked you cheering for me tonight."

She giggles, "Cole, I always cheer for you."

"Well yeah, but now you were cheering not just for Colton but for your boyfriend." I place her back on the ground and grab her, yanking her towards the field house so I could go change.

I stop as I reach a column by the entrance, "I'm gonna go grab my stuff then we can head back home, shower, then go to Leah's. That sounds good?"

She nods her head, "Perfect."

"Like you," I wink at her before disappearing through the doors.


I'm currently waiting for Colton to finish up inside the field house, I rest my head on a brick column desperate to go sit down because I have been standing for hours now. Stupid cheerleading. As I'm here minding my business, a boy with a huge smirk comes out of nowhere and stands in front of me. I immediately recognized him from the mall the other week. "Hey, beautiful. You look sexy in that uniform," he says and I immediately cringe at his words.

"Thanks," I bluntly respond.

He frowns, "Come on, don't you remember me?"

I pursed my lips, "The mall but I don't know your name."

"Well, I know yours!" He tapped my nose causing me to flinch.

I immediately moved away and pushed him against the wall and his smirk grew, "Well, well, Well, if you wanted to do it all you had to do was tell-."

I slap him to make him stop talking. He is taken aback and stunned as he just stares at me. "Listen. I don't know what your fucking intention is with me but I would appreciate it if you could just leave me the fuck alone," I growl.

He chuckles, "Feisty. That explains why I like you so much."

"Dude I'm serious. Just leave me alone and we won't have a problem," I spit.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me away from him and flips our position again to where I'm against the wall, "Princess, this is a free country, I can do whatever the fuck I want," he spat, and walked away leaving me frozen in the spot. What a dick. He and Leah would be perfect together.

"Babe?" A voice calls out. I look up to see Colton staring at me with wide eyes and his arms crossed. I walk over towards him, letting him see my scowl. "You are so fucking badass, I love you."

His words make the ends of my lips curve upwards, "If I see him again I'm going to freaking murder him."

He rests a hand on my shoulder, "Babe, I just started dating you I don't want you to be taken to prison just yet." He pauses, "I want him dead just as much as you do."

"What's that guy's name?"

"Brandon. Brandon Grier." Colton says uneasy. "Let's go to the party and get our minds off of those pricks. I nod and grab his hand and we walk together to his Jeep. He wouldn't let me drive anywhere. My car just sat in my driveway practically rusting at the sight. I drive it probably once or twice a week at the most. And it's like appointments or to the park. I mean we live in New York City, I don't even need a car; everything is within walking distance.

We drive back and he drops me off at my house. "Just come inside whenever you're ready," I tell him as I start to get out of the car.

He nods kissing my cheek, "I'll be there in like twenty probably. Dad will probably want to talk about the game." I nod and get out of the car rushing inside to shower. My parents were not home, once again. They must have left straight after the game to go to dinner.

After I shower I decide that I'm too tired to pull off a rather 'sexy' look so I settle on a red body suit that had the whole back exposed. I pulled on a pair of light-washed ripped jeans with a pair of Converse. I added simple jewelry and kept my makeup minimal because I was freaking tired. I kept my hair natural and just let it flow down my back.

After I was ready I found Colton downstairs on my couch taking a nap. I leaned down so I was eye level with him and gently shook him, "Colton."

He slowly opened his eyes, "Gosh, you took so long I fell asleep."

I chuckle and help him up, "How long are we staying?"

He thinks a minute before speaking, "I only want to stay like ten minutes so we can leave and go home and cuddle but I think we will probably stay like two hours."

I chuckle, "You're probably right."

"Let's go then!" He slaps my butt before heading out of the door to his Jeep.

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