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Rosalind's POV-

"Mom I'm leaving, see you later!" I yelled.

"Alright honey see you then and would you please stop yelling I can hear perfectly, thank you very much."

"Fine, sorry, bye!"

I grab my bag, skateboard, and car keys. I put my things in the back seat of my red Mazda 3. I know it's not the latest car but I don't care. I love my car and I don't care if he's old. No one can drive him. The only reason if I ever let anyone drive him is if I'm not feeling well, but if there is a single scratch on it, they're dead.

Once at school I go up to my locker. My best-friend-more-like-sister was waiting there for me like usual.

"Hey Jasmin."

"Hey Rose."

"What's up?"


She seems annoyed, nervous, I don't know it's something I can't quite put my finger on.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

Lie. She knows I know she's lying.

"We'll talk about it after school."


With that I got the things I needed for my first 3 classes and made my way to first period.

I sat in the first row third seat and Jasmin sat next to me, second row third seat.


     I just noticed, I haven't introduced myself. How rude of me. Anyways, my name is Rosalind Hunter. I'm from Puerto Rico but was raised in California. Today is my birthday, meaning today I turn 17 AND I find my mate. I'm a werewolf. A warrior of the Moon Lake Pack. I'm not outgoing but I'm not shy. Though I'll only speak to you if you speak to me. I'm not a nerd but I'm most definitely not popular. Though I don't have many friends honestly. I only have about five.

     First off there is Jasmin. I call her Jas. She has blonde wavy hair, green - hazel eyes, she's about 5'6 and she has a slim body. She's like my sister and I love her to death. I'm that serious. Anyways, we think alike. It's like we have the same brains. We understand each other so well it's like... like... I don't even know. It's crazy.

     Next there's Valery. I call her Vale for short. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She's very pretty and has many friends around here. Many people don't like her but she's like my best friend. I've known her since the first day of school of sixth grade. She was my best friends since then. We used to hang out a lot and we usually insult each other but we don't take it seriously.

     Then, there's Mike. He's drop dead gorgeous. He's like my guy best friend. He's always honest and
kind of protective over me. He treats me like his little sister. I like that of him, though sometimes it makes me want to beat the shit out of him.

     Next, there's Alessandra. She's a nice person. She has brown hair, brown eyes and she's dark skinned. She can be very rude but that's what I like of her. She's the most honest person you'll ever know and she'll tell you things in your face even if it hurts. From my friends, we like to call her mom. But hey, we got to love her even at the most annoying times.

     Finally, there's my cousin Jeramy. He has brown eyes and really dark brown, curly hair. He's taller than me by 3 inches though. He's 17. He was born in January and I was born in April so we kind of grew up together. Whenever there was a special occasion, such as a Quinceañera, then we would be partners. He was actually my partner for mine, which reminds me we're kind of like partners in crime. He loves to dance and so do I. We actually have our own dance crew call the 'Extra Ordinaries.' We're really good too.

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