chapter 26

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NOTICE: Due to getting published, chapters 27 onwards of A New Era have been removed from Wattpad. This is because of copyright reasons as well as Amazon guidelines.  

It went faster than Akira expected it to go. One moment she was falling, the next she was jerked to a stop, the rope around her neck digging painfully into her skin and cutting off her air supply. Had she known more about hanging, she would have been aware that her neck should have been broken as soon as the rope snapped taught, thus killing her, and yet somehow she had escaped that fate, only to face a new one, choking to death. 

The noise around her ceased to exist as Akira fought, trying to draw in air with little success. Her lungs screamed, urging her to do something, and yet with her bound hands she was helpless. Dots began to dance in front of her eyes and the will to fight left her when suddenly the pressure around her neck seemed to disappear and she found herself dropping to the floor. 

She landed with a painful thump and yet didn't notice, too busy drawing in precious gasps of air to fill her starving lungs. Only after a couple of gasps did she become aware of the confused shouts and screams around her. Slowly she lifted her head to see that she was lying underneath the gallows, staring out at hundreds of feet that were rushing about, feet that belonged to the crowd that had wanted to see her hang moments before, now running from Watchers. 

"You okay?" hearing the voice Akira slowly turned her head to look up, wincing at how the slight movement caused her entire neck to throb. 

She saw the figure of a guy leaning over the opening above her, the opening she had fallen through when the trap doors gave way. He held what Akira made out to be what looked like a shocker in one hand and for a moment she thought he was a Watcher, yet her senses took over as she realized that a Watcher would have never asked her if she was okay. 

Instead of answering him Akira moved herself into a sitting position. Slowly she moved her hands up to her neck to feel the rope around it. With shaking fingers she grabbed hold of it and slipped it off. She stared at it is see that at the end of the loop hung a piece of rope that was tattered at the end where someone had cut it through. 

Realizing who it had been she quickly looked back up at the guy who was still staring down at her. This time she noticed that he too was wearing a dark cloak identical to Dominique's. 

"The name's Liam," the guy nodded before he jumped down and crouched next to Akira. 

"Thanks," Akira croaked, surprised at how much it hurt her throat "No problem," Liam grinned and Akira had the feeling that she had seen him before, yet she couldn't recall where. 

"Akira!" Akira looked up to see another shadow fall over the opening above.  

Dominique stared down, worry in his eyes, his eyes only on her. "Are you okay?" he asked as he jumped down beside Liam. 

Akira nodded, not wanting to talk. 

"At least one of us got to her in time," Liam spoke, his tone not at all friendly towards Dominique. 

Dominique looked at him, seeming to notice his presence for the first time. He frowned, looking displeased about something and Akira shot a glance between the two, her mind telling her that these two didn't get along and she should know that, yet she couldn't remember why. 

"We need to be going, the crowd is dispersing and we don't want to get caught out in the open," Dominique said, his eyes alighting on Akira, worry still in them, worry for her. His eyes were on her neck and Akira's hand went up towards it, wondering what was wrong. She winced at how tender it felt at her touch. 

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