新しい始まり | A new beginning

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"Today's the day" her eyes fluttered open and the bright sunlight made her wish it there was no sun. She heard a gentle knock at her door, and her doorknob twist open, revealing the figure behind the door. "It's time to get up dear" your mom said softly, "breakfast is ready downstairs, hurry before you're late." She grabbed her phone from the bedside and turned the screen on, "6:10." She got out of bed and closed her eyes, 'five more minutes won't hurt.' Boy was she wrong, she opened her eyes and checked her phone again, "6:20" oh no. She quickly got up from bed and dashed towards the bathroom, she stripped and hopped in the cold shower. She silently screeched at the ice bath hitting her back and now engulfing her whole. Once done taking a quick shower, she stepped out and dried herself with the fluffy pink towel that lay neatly on the toilet seat. She then wrapped it around her head making a towel hat, and looked into the mirror, she could use a bit of make up, it is the first day for you after all. Y/N opened the mirror and grabbed the eyeliner pen that lay there, 'steady..' she whispered to herself as she finished winging out one eye, now the challenge starts here. The other eye. "Slow and easy.." she stuck her tongue out and flicked her eyeliner, perfectly copying the other eye. "Ah ha! Perfect!" Feeling a sense of triumph within her she brushed her hair and changed into her new uniform, 'Yuuei here I come!' Y/N grabbed her backpack with one hand and her phone with the other, running downstairs carefully not to trip and fall face first. Checking the time once again, "6:35" not much time had passed? She reached downstairs and grabbed her lunch box as well as a piece of toast and dashed out the front door. "I'm off mom! Bye!" Before her mother could say anything the door closed.

Y/N was crossing an intersection and, "Oof!" Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, the toast from her mouth had landed on the other side of the road. "A-Are you okay?" She looked up and saw a young boy with green curly(spiked?) hair, "yes, thank you for asking" she glanced over to her piece of toast on the street and back at the boy. "I-I'm sorry! Let me repay you!" He stretched his hand out and you took it helping you up. "Yuuei, huh?" You nod your head and smiled, his uniform similar to his. "We're going to the same destination, mind if we walk together?" He shook his head. "My name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya!" He stated proudly, "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" you smiled and picked up your bento box. You two began your journey to UA making conversation, "Say, Y/N? You're not from here are you?" Was it that noticeable? "Yeah, I came from America. But I learned Japanese through a tutor, that's why we're able to communicate right now" you said shyly, scared to what his reaction might be. "That's so cool! How is it over there!" You smiled, "Well where I'm from it's pretty normal, not many villains. My parents got transferred to Japan because they needed pro heroes, since America has too many" Izuku was so intrigued to know more about you, scribbling away into his notebook. "So, how'd you get accepted into Yuuei?" "Well to say the least, and not brag, I got in through various recommendations. Many from heroes from America, lots of schools scouted me because of it." "Then why did you choose Yuuei?" She paused for a second. "It's been a dream of mine to attend here, both my parents graduated from here." There was a short silence that was disrupted by Izuku, "Oh! We're here!" Y/N looked up and stared in awe at the giant school, they both walked in and Izuku instructed her to scan her ID at the gate "Hey, Izuku?" "Yeah Y/N?" "What class are you in?" "1-A, you?" Ironic. "Me too, mind if I sit with you?" "N-Not at all!" He blushed slightly as we both walked into class together. "Thanks Izuku!" You hugged him tightly and placed a small peck on his cheek. You greeted all your friends this way in America, Y/N silently hoped that it wouldn't be much different here. His cheeks turned into a deep cherry red as Y/N went to sit down besides a window in the back row. She checked her phone, "7:25" barely in time. As the rest of the empty seats began to fill up with students the teacher, who looked sleep deprived came in and stood in front of the class. "I see, you in the back, step in front and introduce yourself new student" everybody turned their attention towards you and whispered. "Silence" the teacher said, "My name is—" "Aizawa Shouta" you said. You cleared your throat and smiled, "My name is Y/N L/N, I hope we could all get along!" You bowed down, and headed back to your seat. "Today you will all decide you hero names" you froze, considering you entered late into the school year you hadn't decided on a hero name! Mr. Aizawa gave the rest of class time to decide on our hero names, and after lunch we'll say what they are.

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