Break, and Burn, and End (Saving Elliot One Shot)

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Saving Elliot

One Shot

Break, and burn, and end

Elliot Fintry had never gotten along with 'choices'. To him, a choice was a heavy burden to carry, and a heavier burden to drop. The word had always embraced him brutally, sometimes leaving him with satisfaction, most of the time with pain. The very same word had also inflicted him with scars and tragedies. The word was his mortal enemy.

Letting Nova go was not a choice, it was fate.

Letting Ronnie leave was not a choice either, it was a remorseful and almost helpless decision and also in someway fate.

Letting Jensen in was neither fate, nor a decision. That was a choice and he refused to regret it. Because for the first time in his life, Elliot Fintry and a choice had gotten along. In fact this choice - Elliot Jensen - had become his best friend.

''Do you need any help?'' There was she. She didn't enter his room straight away, just lingered on the door as if waiting for him to welcome her. Fintry found himself wondering about that. He had already welcomed her in his heart, she had claimed a space there and the territory was going to be hers always.


She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. Somehow the expression made her look intimidating and dominant, ''Honestly Fintry, there's a dead bee in your locker whose attention span is greater than yours.''

His lips twitched and he allowed himself to smirk, ''You remember that?''

''There're two things I won't forget even if all my brain cells die while surviving the world.''

''Oh yeah?'' He raised his brow and continued packing, being anything but neat about it, ''enlighten me.''

''The first is your every attempt to sound sassy,'' She began and Fintry gave her a funny look, ''the second is the fact that Mac and Arthur are my brothers,''

''What did they do this time?'' Fintry balled up another shirt and threw it in his bag, turning back to the wardrobe to get more stuff. His gaze fell on the photograph that Tamara had given him yesterday. It was a group thing where all of them stood together in awkward poses, but still managed to make the thing memorable. Finley was making a face at O'Conner who was holding up his Maths textbook which he had set on fire; Tamara was tucking a flower behind West's ear, the latter looked royally pissed at the moment. Then there was Jensen, she held up a jersey that had her name alongside the word 'captain' on it. Jensen was not looking at the camera; instead she was smiling at Fintry, who stood smirking at the camera.

Fintry grinned at the photograph and slipped it in his notebook so she won't see that he was taking it as well. In fact it was the only thing from here he had decided to take along with him. He put some more clothes with the notebook, and began zipping the bag.

''Don't tell me you don't know? They auctioned off the dress mom wore in Nick's wedding.'' Jensen herself didn't sound too angry about it; she looked like she found it funny but didn't wish to show it.

''How much did they make?'' Fintry inquired surprising a chuckle,

''Definitely more than the original price,'' she let herself in eyeing his bag, ''so do you need any help packing.''

''Did Mac and Arthur also auctioned off your sight Jensen?'' He asked, nodding towards the bag that sat on the bed, waiting to be lifting.

''See, there it is. Your attempt to sound sassy.'' She didn't sound offended. If things hadn't changed too drastically between them, Fintry was sure that she would've been biting his head off right now.

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