Day 1

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A/N: Welcome to my latest fanfic! I know, I know, I still have several others I need to update and finish, but I was wanting to do a 25 days of Christmas-Batfam style. This will mostly focus on Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Tim; but will also include Jason, Stephanie, Barbara, and Cass. And of course Alfred! Warning: the timeline in this may not add quite up. But idc cause this is fanfiction. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these little ficlets. Here's Day 1:


Dick grinned as he saw Damian walk through the front door of Wayne Manor, and throw his backpack on the ground.  He went over to Dick, who was in the kitchen, and stared at him, glaring slight.

"Grayson!" Damian said in a demanding tone.

Dick raised an eyebrow. "Yes Lil' D?"

"Who..." Damian paused and his face turned a little red. "Who is this...This Santa Claus I keep hearing of?"

Dick tried his best not to smirk. Damian, ex assassin, wondering who Santa Claus was...It was too great.

"Santa Claus? Where'd you hear that from?"

"School," Damian replied matter-of-factly. "Now tell me who he is or I will spend my time elsewhere."

Dick smiled and ruffled Damian's hair.  He suddenly had an idea. In his mind, a brilliant idea. It would be so adorable if he could get Damian to believe in Santa Claus! He was only ten, afterall.  "Well, he's this big fat guy who lives in the North Pole and delivers presents to all the good children all over the world every Christmas."

Damian narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And how exactly does he deliver these presents to the children?"

"He goes in through their chimneys."

"Hmm... And how does he get all the presents to everyone?"

Dick walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, beckoning for Damian to follow them. He was somewhat confused by all of his questions, but answered them nonetheless.

"Well," Dick started.  "He has these short people with pointed ears -elves- that make the toys for him."

Damian's eyes narrowed further. "And does he pay these...These elves?"

Dick frowned. "Um..."

"Aha! So it's slavery!"


Without warning, Damian stood up and started walking down to the Batcave.

Dick stood up and followed Damian, very confused now. "What are you doing Lil' D?"

Damian quickly and abruptly turned around and gave Dick a very serious look. "To find this Santa Claus and bring him to Justice!"


"For breaking and entering into homes of children all around the world, and for enslaving elves."

"What? No! Damian-"

But Damian had already left and was now down in the Batcave.

Dick sighed. "Ah, great," he mumbled to himself. "I try explaining Santa Claus to the kid, and somehow he comes to the conclusion that he's a criminal..."

A few minutes later, Bruce came up from the Batcave and looked at Dick, a confused expression on his face. "Dick, why is Damian pulling up files on Santa Claus down in the Batcave?"

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