The Path Not Taken

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(A/N): So I gave a chance to give Ghost a listen and boy....did I fell in love! And with that came many ideas of written works and reading fanfiction! And thus this was born. The YouTube link just happens to be part of what made inspired me to create this story. I will warn that while this story is not overly disturbing, it still contains dark subject matter but I have rated it T for teens. Also, think of this as a what if Ghost's role is taken to be more serious...anyway, this is taken to be just a small short story. If I ever get the notion to continue this, I might but for now, I hope you enjoy this! For more MATURE work of my Ghost stories, check out my Ao3 in my profile!)

"(Y/n)! Don't forget your cookies!" your mother called as you were packing up the last of your goodies in your basket.

"I know! I know," you grumbled, taking the last of the sweets, wrapping them up in the linen cloth. You stuffed them inside the basket and wiped your hands. "All right, that should be it."

You were taking some goodies as a gift to give to your sweet grandma. You lived out in the woods with your mom. Sure, it wasn't as grand as maybe living in the city or villages nearby, but it was quite peaceful. Your mother had always talked about being one with nature and she thought living outside with it would be good for you, her and your grandma. Your grandma had her own cabin out nearby a creek.

Of course, you too, would someday have your own cabin but you were still kind of debating whether this hippie witch stuff was even for you. It did you good though to explore around, knowing where to watch out and where to not go. You also got to keep some flowers and berries to give to your mom to determine if they were good or not. So all in all, it wasn't that bad but you were debating still if you wanted to follow the ways of Mother Nature or do something more.

And now it was time to visit your sweet grandma to check to see how she was doing. Your mother would've joined you but she was going to go visit her auntie who had an emergency over in the city. So while she checked on her, you did your part to check on good granny.

"Just spend the night with Grandma until I come to pick you up," your mother said, patting your head and kissing it. "And remember...don't go out wandering anywhere else."

"I won't, Mom," you said, rolling your eyes. "I gotta go now. Nightfall is going to come by soon."

"Goodbye sweetie. Stay safe."

"Bye, mom. Love you too."

The walk in the woods seemed like almost any other day you treaded among them. The trees were tall with some of their branches empty and the others filled with leaves. The ground was a composure of dirt, rocks and grass with few flowers blooming. The birds chirped, singing away. Crickets hummed their songs. It all seemed like out of a fairytale.

You liked this about the woods for sure. It was quite nice. Though you weren't crazy about the bugs trying to swarm in your face, something which made you want to consider about the city life. That was still maybe a few years away before you would decide.

You followed along the path you always made, knowing where it lead to your grandma's. It was nothing more than a simple following of the crush leaves you had made, knowing this was the same one you took to get over there.

Until something caught the corner of your eye. You rubbed your eyes at first at this, thinking it was some sort of illusion. This was the first you saw of it since taking this path. It was never there before and could see it between the bushes that hid it.

It was a cathedral. A giant black Gothic cathedral in the midst of these woods. It looked ancient, as if built longer than before you were born. It had spikes growing amongst its structure, as if to ward off birds from landing on it. It was ominous and eerie. A feeling washed over to you to not go to it.

The Path Not Taken (Ghost BC Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now