Chapter 1

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You never really liked the formalities that came with the throne.

You hadn't liked it back at your country and you didn't like it now in this completely new Viking land either. It was even more intimidating when you were alone. Ivar was off to see the raiders on the other side of the Kattegat and that meant you would be alone with this group of newcomers for at least an hour if not more.

And that alone was scarier than you thought it would be.

"You don't look very happy," Hvitserk said and your head snapped up before you tried to smile.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Written all over your face," he motioned at you as he sipped his drink, "I thought you would be happier for sure."


"They're your countrymen, aren't they?" Hvitserk asked, "The group that's coming to visit. Did you not miss them?"

You shook your head, "No."

"No? I distinctly remember you comparing us to them and calling us... what was it?"

You tried to control your laugh, "Hvitserk!"

"No, I'm trying to remember. Something along the lines how we were all..."

"You're terrible," You made a face at him, giggling and he snapped his fingers.

"Barbarians," he pointed out, "You were screaming at the top of your lungs in fact."

You covered your burning face, then lowered your hands, "You will never let that go, will you?"

"No," Hvitserk grinned like a boy, "And look at you now."

"Look at me now," you repeated, looking down at yourself with a sigh. Even though it had been difficult beyond words, you had to admit that you looked like a proper Viking now.

Except for your hair. You were still learning about that. Ivar tended to tease you about that but considering it had only been a month since you got there, and everything was relatively new to you, you dared to say you were doing pretty well so far.

Until now.

Oh God.

Sorry. Gods.

Whoever it is up there.


You snapped out of your thoughts, "Hm?"

"They're here."

"Okay," You took a deep breath and fixed your crown, "How do I look?"

"If I didn't know you, I'd think you were a proper Viking." Hvitserk shrugged, that playful light gleaming in his eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to control your laugh and walked past him to the throne room, with him following you like a shadow and you stopped at the door, then turned to Hvitserk.

"I changed my mind," You said, your heart beating in your ears, "No. I can't do this."

"I repeat, these are your countrymen." Hvitserk tried to sound reasonable, but it was highly sabotaged by the cup he was holding, filled with ale.

"Yes Hvitserk, and do you know what that means?"

"They will be very friendly with you?"

"No, they will report everything to my brother."

Your brother, who had lost no time using you for his political strategies as soon as he was crowned. Hence where you were now.

Hvitserk rolled his eyes and leaned back to the wall, "So what?"

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now