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Can't anyone see?

How empty I feel?

No pain

No happiness


I don't even feel numb anymore

I just feel empty

No blood flows through my veins

My heart no longer beats

Am I dead?

I sure feel like it

Why can't I enjoy life like those around me?

A black hole in my chest

Why do you think I'm single?

Who would want to be with someone like me?



I don't feel, I can't love you

I've got a low self-esteem

I'm fat

I'm ugly

I'm mean

I'm dead inside, in every sense of the word

Nothing worth saving here

Why doesn't anyone see?

How empty I am

How I crave love

Yet here I am

Dying with no one to mourn me

But that's okay

Those who take their own lives don't deserve to be mourned





D e a d

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