3.❄❆Belivia & The Parking Area Chronicles ❆❄

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That's so Us - Allie X

What I like about you, baby... Is how you annoy me daily...

But you still fucking amaze me... That's so us, that's so us...

Yeah, we're both a lot to handle... I'm a Leo, you're a Cancer...

We take on the world together... That's so us, that's so us..

 That's so us, that's so us

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Present Day

Aurora stepped out of her car. Mentally preparing herself to make any more silly mistakes, like earlier. She wanted to feel angry, but didn't. After so long she did something without calculating the outcome. It was so normal but for Aurora it was unfamiliar.

No More Mistakes. She said to herself.

She started walking towards her class, giving a tight-lipped smile to the familiar faces. It was never a part of Aurora's '3-year guide to Survive College' to even give a nod of acknowledgement. The thin barrier of ice she had purposely built between her and some genuinely nice people she would have loved being friends with had a small crack after the incident.

2 Years Ago, After 3 Weeks in college

She was sitting in her car, settling her bag on the passenger seat to leave. But before she could buckle her seatbelt, a puerile driver hit her car from behind. Airbags hitting her face in full force made Aurora's vision blurry, her ears started ringing. for someone who had carefully planned everything, she was even more disoriented when the voices started coming closer to her as she felt like she was emerging out of the water after floundering in vain for too long.

A few seconds after her shock wore off, and the pain began to take place, she became aware of her surroundings But was still in denial of what happened later on.

Ben's explicit portrayal of 'Parking Area Chronicles ' later on, made it clear that she was not hallucinating.

Apparently, all the people nearby came forward to help her get out of the car. Offered her water and food to gain some strength, took her to the infirmary and for the biggest shock the nurse present there did not tell her to 'apply Ice on it'. Instead, She examined her. All of this happened without anyone having an ulterior motive and left after making sure she was in safe hands.

'A few months away from High School and everyone regained their long-lost humanity back.' She wondered.

And of course, Ben and Olivia made a dramatic entry and hugged Aurora. That gesture was comfy. Aurora had noticed them overreacting over small stuff too many times during their forced hangouts. Aurora saw a genuine concern on their faces. Her heart ached at the realization that she took them for granted. Thought they were using her for her food and company as both of them were fond of their voice, she wasn't the one to join into their conversation and rant over petty issues, but she always heard them with utmost sincerity and even managed to crack a smile here and there. Such people are rare to find these days. But, unfortunately, she still has to keep a precise distance.

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