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I decided to take Tyler to the bowling alley so he can clear his mind a bit about his recent ex-boyfriend. Since drinking is never a good answer to forget people I rather take him on a fun evening, the last time we went out to drink he ended up on a coma.

I park the car as the song ends. We walk out of it and run towards the entrance since it's raining. As soon as we step in, I notice the bowling alleys are complete.

"The place is just full, we have to go." Tyler awkwardly speaks my mind behind me as I'm standing in my tiptoes trying to find an empty bowling alley. Tyler always gets paranoic when there are too many people, it makes him anxious.

"I did not drive two hours for nothing, we are bowling today mate," I state decided to get us a place.

"Oh, really?" He looks at me ironically. "Enlighten me how, Miss Kimberly." He adds sighing.

"Sure thing," Is all that I say before grabbing his arm as I start to analyze the people occupying the alleys.

"Lady, you can't enter without a reservation." A man stops me and I just roll my eyes.

"I have already-" Tyler starts but I cut him off as soon as I focus on a group of young guys.

"We are with them," I point and the man just frowns.

"What?" Tyler high pitches a question and I hit him in the ribs as an answer. "Ouch!" He glares but I glare back.

I try to read their names on the screen. "Yes, Pierre and Max are waiting for us, so if you excuse us." Without wanting to hear anything else I drag my best friend inside the place and towards the group of unknown people.

"What are you doing?" Tyler whispers annoyed on my ear as the guys start noticing our presence.

"Hello," I salute as Tyler starts swearing at me under his breath. "I noticed your screen has space for two more people, mind if we join you?" I put a huge grin on my face but I don't even get to see or hear a reply that Tyler drags me to the other side.

"Have you lost your goddamn mind?" He almost yells at me while I roll my eyes.

"Calm down," I speak.

"Those are famous people, Kimberly!" He states a bit more calm. "You can't just go and talk to them like-" He stops while looking behind me.

I turn around slowly to face a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes followed by blonde dirty hair. "Sorry to interrupt," He starts in broken English and I just nod. "But, was your question a serious one?" He flashes a smile probably not believing my words.

"Yes, I meant that," I shrug. "You see," I stop not knowing his name. 

"Pierre," He states and I nod before continuing.

"You see, Pierre, my friend right here." I point to Tyler. "Has recently broken up with his boyfriend and he hasn't left the house ever since, so as the good friend I am, I decided to take him bowling and we drove two hours under the rain to get here," I explain under his attentive stare.

"And?" He asks.

"I did not have a reservation, because I didn't know we needed one and the place is full, your group of friends has a space open for two more people," I mention referring to the screen.

"I'm sorry, my friend tends to be a bit disrespectful, we'll leave," Tyler speaks quickly with a shaky voice as I roll my eyes.

"I'm not disrespectful!" I defend myself.

"Yes, you are, you can't just ask people that!" Tyler raises his voice at me.

"Hey, it's okay." Pierre tries to calm us down. "I don't see a problem, maybe you could join us." He shrugs as a smile starts growing on my face.

"Thank you," I smile hugely. "Could you maybe go ask your friends who are staring a lot?" I wonder as Tyler hits me on the ribs. "Ouch!" I spat and the boy just laughs.

"I'll be right back." He states and we nod simultaneously.

"I told you!" I spat to Tyler who just rolls his eyes.

"You are going to get us both in trouble."He replies and I notice Pierre signalizing us to go there.

"We'll see," I smile as I drag him closer.

"Hello," An Australian accent greets us as soon as we reach their table. I just smile politely at him and stick my hand to shake it, but his next movement surprises me as he grabs my hand and drags me down to a hug. "I'm Daniel,"

As soon as I back down with a frown on my face I state. "And I don't like hugs." He chuckles softly and then does the same to Tyler who just puts an awkward face. 

"Hello, I don't like hugs," A British accent salutes me as I nod. "I'm Alex," He smiles

"Even if that name is unique and wow, why my parents haven't thought about it." I sarcastically say. "I'm Kimberly," I present myself. "The shy one is Tyler," I point to my blushing friend. "Oh, and we are ready to beat your ass," I smirk.

"How are you so sure about that?" A raspy voice in broken English speaks. I turn around to a blonde boy holding a Heineken.

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