Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Have I Got a Story For You!

“Oh, Gosh!” She gasped loudly, her hand falling to her chest. “That was so brave of you, honey!”

Mason tried to keep the smile on his face as his mother pulled him to her chest and showered his face with tiny kisses.

“I am so glad we sent you to that class! Who knows what would have happened to that poor old lady.” She said with a deep frown, shaking her head sadly. Not wanting the mood to be so serious after everything he went through earlier in the day, Mason laughed.

“Mom, she was probably, like, five years older than you.” Mrs. Moore scowled at her son’s comment, smacking him against the arm gently as he cackled.

“I was being serious!” She complained, a slight whine filtering into her voice. Mason’s smile faltered, and he bit his bottom lip.

“I know mom. It was just a lot and I would rather be positive about it than remember what could have gone wrong.” Mason admitted quietly, arms wrapped around himself. “Can I at least have that, please?”

She nodded, hugging her son again and placing a kiss on his cheek. Mason hugged her back, the clean sleeves of his shirt very welcomed compared to what had been smeared on his other sleeves. The second he arrived home, before he even said hello to his mom, he rushed upstairs to his room where he brushed his teeth, showered, and changed into the coziest clothes he had. 

While in the showed, Mason had the brief thought that he was trying to wash away the fact that the entire thing ever happened, and calmed in his scrubbing. He hated everything about those ten minutes, except for having possibly saved that woman’s life. 

When he came downstairs, his mom had prepared a fancy meal, inspired by her FoodNetwork binge, and sat him down at the dining table. That was where they sat down, and it was the place where Mason had recapped the whole event to his mom.

From how happy he was about what Mason did, he knew that she would wholeheartedly support the nursing program in the future, which was nice. But seeing her reaction to everything made Mason wonder how his friends would react. How Mark would react. Maybe he wouldn’t even react at all. Mark can’t listen to a story if he was avoiding Mason.

The moment Mason had finished his food, his mom was trying to usher him up to his room for bed. She probably knew just as well as Mason that he would just use his phone until midnight, but it was a nice enough gesture.

Mason wondered what she would do with her evening since his dad was away for a short business trip. As he walked up the stairs, he heard her phone ring and the sound of his dad’s cheery voice coming through.

The first thing his mom told her husband after he caught her up on everything he had been doing while he was away was “Moore, you won’t believe it! Mason saved an old lady’s life!”

Mason, deciding to let his mother take the reins on the story —even though she would probably make up fifty facts about what happened— kept walking up to his room. He could just correct all of the wrongly restated facts in the morning.


Mason’s knee bobbed up and down up and down as he quietly panicked. He had held so much faith for himself and his ability to act normal around Mark. He has had a crush on the man for years and has seemingly been able to keep it hidden. 

Mason thought that he would be able to use those skills and act as if nothing happened until Mark finally exploded and broke off their friendship. What good would wishing for another kiss do if he was just trying to maintain a friendship? But, he couldn’t do it. His emotions were running wild all over his face, and he knew that the wobbling knee wasn’t helping matters.

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