7. I

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Aya Weathers

I told Tony I wouldn't be coming in to he studio today because I had a fever. In reality, I just needed a break from Chris. There's so much sexual tension between us and it was starting to become overwhelming. We didn't have sex again after our little fiasco in the recording studio. I made sure to shut that shit down.

The only problem with taking a fake sick day is the fact that it defies my number one rule of business before personal life. I'm letting my sexual relations get in the way of my bag. Me and Chris have only managed to record one song. So, overall I decided it would be best if I went in anyway.

Maybe I should have stayed home.

"Okay, three questions. What, the, and fuck?" I asked as I entered the studio. I pulled the collar of my shirt over my nose, taking in the strawberry scent instead of the smell of weed that came from Chris's direction.

"Aya, what are you doing here?" He asked me in a startled voice.

"I work here." I stated the obvious.

"Yeah, but I thought you had a fever."

"Surprise bitch, I'm healed." I rolled my eyes.

"Nice to see you could make it, Aya." Tony said as he slumped over on the couch.

"Yeah, yeah, let's skip the small talk and cut to the chase. I wanna talk about the elephant in the room. What the fuck is she doing here?" I pointed to none other than Ms. Ammika Harris who sat comfortably along Chris's lap.

"She wanted to come with me so I said she could." Chris shrugged.

"I'm guessing the two of you are.." I trailed off on my sentence, waiting for him to finish it.

"Back together, yeah." He averted his gaze to the ground. I looked at them with an elongated face before chuckling, and shaking my head. A mess.

"Also, I wanted to apologize to you for the way I came at you the other week." Ammika spoke up.

"Go on." I raised an eyebrow as I took a seat far from them.

"Chris told me that you didn't want to kiss him and told him to stop flirting because of me."

"Oh, did he now?" I crossed my legs and blinked long, looking at Chris who was staring at me intently.

"Yeah, he did. I guess I jumped the gun." She actually sounded guilty, so I wasn't gonna be too petty.

"You did. But I'm not gonna trip, it already happened, it's whatever." I waved it off.

"Hug it out?" She offered with a slight smile.

"I don't like hugs." I simply answered.

"Aya, you know damn well-" He started to call me out on my bluff.

"Christopher." I said his name in an assertive tone.

"She doesn't like hugs." He quickly whipped himself into shape.

"Oh, well okay." Ammika shrugged.

"Chris, we got shit to do so come on. You can come too Amira."

"It's Ammika." She corrected me.

"Isn't that what I said?" I played clueless.

"No, you said Amira."

"Oh." I shrugged it off before turning on my computer.

"Alright, we're gonna do things slightly different today. I finished the second part to Trust Issues by myself and I have the melody on my phone. You're going to record me singing it, then once you've listened and learned, we're gonna make it your recording. Got it?" I gave him the run through of how this session would go.

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