9. ❄❆ Sowing the Seeds of love ❆❄

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Take All the Time You Need - Oh Honey

You are sweet as a honey bee... Won't you say that we'll be fine...

Oh my darling, take all the time you need... Oh my darling, take all the time you need...

There ain't no place I'd rather be... Oh my darling, take all the time you need...

A week later, Phoenix had his second Friday movie night with them, though he couldn't spend his alone time with Aurora because he had to attend Tori's call

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A week later, Phoenix had his second Friday movie night with them, though he couldn't spend his alone time with Aurora because he had to attend Tori's call. But the time he could spend, He replayed it over and over. He hasn't been this smitten with anyone since he chatted with his first crush at 11. Over the years that came, Phoenix was always in a committed relationship that ended on a mutually happy note. But since the past few years, he didn't let anyone get close to him. He had forgotten the last time he had sex, let alone had a normal conversation with a girl.

He couldn't sleep all night thinking how he was gonna approach things Aurora with a speedy level. Before he could come up with something it was already morning. Aurora was already on her balcony when he showed up.

"Morning neighbour." He said, looking at her, extremely happy that they were in the two apartments that were closer to each other while the other two on either of them had much distance between, so there wouldn't be any chance for them to communicate without shouting.

"Good morning, Phoenix." She smiled up at him.

A strange feeling warmed his chest. This was the first time she had taken his name. Her voice in general was sweet, but her morning voice was huskier, and that sounded really sexy. Phoenix imagined her, taking his name in the morning with that same British accent from earlier. In his arms, preferably.

"I got some saplings, seeds and soil, but I don't know where to start," Phoenix asked her, rubbing the back of his neck. He had been meaning to ask her that for a while now but always backed down at the last minute.

"Is this your way of asking me for help?" Aurora smiled. Her dimples took Phoenix's breath away. No matter how many times he has seen them, even when she chews her food, they appear.

"Hell, I am. If I am going to give tough competition to my neighbour's balcony. I must take the expert advice." Aurora chuckled, blushing as she brushed her fingers over the flower vines.

"What time will Rick be awake? I don't want to disturb him. He is cranky when he is drowsy." She said after some contemplation. This time Phoenix couldn't hide the disappointment on his face but still managed to say.

"Well, he told me he would kick me out of the house if I woke him before afternoon. So would you like to have lunch with us? Then we'll see what we can do with this barren balcony." he stretched his arms in exaggeration, in turn, he noticed Aurora checking out his muscled arms. It had been months since he had hit the gym until a few months back when he had so much leisure time that he started gymming again. Thank heaven for that.

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