19.❄❆ Is This Love? ❆❄

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Is This Love? - James Arthur

I swear that I was heading down a darker road

You got through my guard when I was in safety mode

You're burning down my walls like the Miami sun

You're the one to blame, you hold a smoking gun

The next morning, Aurora and Phoenix came to the balcony, smiling

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The next morning, Aurora and Phoenix came to the balcony, smiling.

"Sorry about..." they say together.

"No, sorry about running off like that," Aurora said sheepishly.

"It's okay. They make me uncomfortable too." Phoenix said, scratching the back of his head. He had seen a fair share of wild parties with people having sex with no clothes on in the middle of a party. Such things never bothered him and just irked him the wrong way to see such disgust, but he never felt embarrassed or even close to turning a shade of red like Aurora. But with her qualms about a lot of things and especially her physical closeness with Phoenix, he had already concluded that she had little or no experience in this. So the embarrassment is more for her sake because he has no idea how to handle this without making her even more uncomfortable than she is.

"We have been on just one date and caught twice." Aurora shook her head. Red covered her cheeks.

"What would happen in college," Phoenix said but got tensed when Aurora didn't say anything. Is she planning on dating in secret? Apart from his interaction with the football team, Phoenix has small talks with some people in his classes, but he didn't think they would have to act like acquaintances in front of them.

"So, you want them to know about us," Aurora asked, biting her lower lips nervously. 'Know...??? I want us to wear his and hers matching t-shirts and announce that we are together.'

"Of course. I thought you would want to tell your friends first, so I even asked Ricky not to tell Ben and Olivia."

"Ben knows and Olivia, she got it. I thought you might want to wait for.... more dates."

"I have waited enough, Aurora."

"Okay then." Aurora smiled as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The girl seriously had no idea how deeply he was in love with her. He is in love. God ...!!! Phoenix Anderson is in love. Phoenix kept looking at the sun even after Aurora went back to get ready. Ricky had to shake him back to earth.

"Get ready, Captain." Ricky went to the kitchen and poured milk into a bowl, then added the cornflakes. Phoenix usually felt disgusted at that and gave him a look like he had murdered the breakfast. But today, he smiled.

'Is this really happening? Am I really in love ...???'


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