Chapter One

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"Percy Jackson! Step forward young hero." Zeus commanded me as I made my way to the middle of the throne room. I stole glances at the other Olympians as I walked. Most had a grateful look on their face, some had a look of indifference, one had a look of murder-you can guess who- and one was just sleeping on his throne-again you can guess who. I had finally made my way to the middle of the room and knelt before the king of the Gods.

"Percy Jackson." Zeus spoke to himself as he stroked his beard. "In all my years I have never seen a demigod such as yourself. I've never seen such selflessness, bravery, and heroics." Most of the Olympians and almost everyone else in the throne room couldn't believe Zeus was actually complementing Percy. It's one thing for Zeus to show respect to another. It's a whole different story when he shows respect to his brother's son. "I've never seen a demigod take so much hate and disinterest from his family and still have loyalty and love towards them. And even go to war for them when you could easily say no."

Most agreed with Zeus's statement. Percy could've easily abandon them and cause their destruction.

"And for that I thank you Percy. I thank you for sticking with us and protecting us. I thank you for saving our thrones and the world." Zeus said with gratitude in his eyes. Percy lifted his head and nodded towards his uncle, thankful that Zeus wasn't blasting him with his bolt. "Now I could go the traditional way and list off your accomplishments but I believe if I did that Dionysus wouldn't be the only one falling asleep." Zeus chuckled. "So instead I will cut to the chase as you mortals would say." He said with uncertainty. He looked at the goddess who kept up with mortal fashion and culture the most Aphrodite. She nodded and smiled at Zeus, glad he at least knew what mortals do and say.

"Percy Jackson last time we were all gathered here was after the Titan War. I had offered you Godhood and you denied it for the betterment of your friends." The Romans gasped at the Greek demigod. They were surprised Percy was offered such a thing and that he denied it! "This time however, I not only offer you Immortality....but a seat on the Olympian Council!" Zeus's thunderous voice echoed throughout Olympus, making sure all heard him and what he had just offered the demigod who was still kneeling. This time everyone in the throne room gasped, Some even choked on air. This has never happened before in Greek and Roman history. A mortal being offered a seat on the Olympian Council! Absolutely unbelievable. Some would say Dionysus was offered a seat on the council as a mortal but some people forgot that the only reason he was offered a seat was because Hestia stepped down from her position due to Zeus commanding it.

Percy's mouth was dry as he felt all eyes on him. Everyone was waiting for his answer. He felt his father's eyes on him. Percy looked at his father who had a small smirk on his face as he nodded at his son, a silent plea for him to take the deal. Percy's eyes drifted over to Annabeth who nodded at him also. She along with the rest of the quest members had received partial immortality for their deeds in this war and the past. Annabeth's eyes seemed to scream

"Say yes Percy! We could be with each other for eternity!"

Percy liked the idea of eternity with Annabeth a lot. But he knew there were people who deserved it more than him. He couldn't take a position on the council over them. It wasn't in his nature for power or glory. After debating a while longer in his head he had finally made his decision.

"My Lord, I thank you for your gift." Everyone seemed to lean forward as they waited for his next words. ".....but I must decline your offer." This time almost everyone choked on air, even some of the Olympians. Percy inclined his head to Zeus expecting fury and rage for embarrassing him once again but to his surprise there wasn't. Zeus seemed to understand his decision and even had a deeper look of respect towards his nephew. "I would like a gift however. And it is within your power." Percy said with a hand raised toward Athena who seemed to almost ask that very question.

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