Chap. 74 • "Roots"

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Aya Weathers

"Daddy, I can't do it." I whined and crossed my arms, getting ready to throw a tantrum.

"Don't ever say that, Noelle. You just need to try harder. Now come on, get up." He urged me. I huffed and stood to my feet.

"Now when somebody tries to attack you from behind, what do you do?" He asked me. I pondered on the question for a moment, scratching my head.

"You run, the hell?" I furrowed my brows.

"That's right, babygirl. You get the hell up out of there!" My mother cheered me on while she rocked in her chair.

"Noelle, watch your mouth. And Nala, you stop teaching my child to be a wimp," My dad scolded the two of us. "You can rake your foot into their shin, or step on their foot and then throw an elbow back as hard as you can. Now try it on me."

"Do I have to do this right now? I wanna go play with Chris." I let a long frown tug on my lips.

"Aaron, let that little girl go be a little girl." My mother agreed with me.

"I won't be 10 forever." I poked out my lip at him. He chuckled and rubbed my head with his large hands.

"I just want you prepared for anything, that's all babygirl."

"Aya, my mom bought freeze pops!" Chris's raspy voice yelled as he peeked his head over our wooden gate. "Woah!" He yelped as his hands slipped and he fell back down.

"Can I pleaaase go?" I pleaded.

"Fine, go have fun with the nappy headed lil' boy. We'll do this another time." I cheered and hugged his leg tightly.

"Thank you, Daddy! I love you!"

"I love you too, princess."

"Chris, you don't need to stay on the phone with me the whole time. I don't wanna hear your controller in my ear." I told him as I got out of my car and placed my Airpods in my ears. I was going for a jog today so I could lose a bit more of this baby weight. Chris has Ayden and Kenya's at school (It's August), so that gives me plenty of time to get a bit of exercise in.

"Fine. Say bye to mama, Khari." He put the phone on our son, who looked about lost as hell. He was slobbering and actually grabbed Chris's phone and put his face closer in.

"Bye bye, bubba." I smiled and waved sweetly. A large, gummy, toothless smile tugged on his full lips and it seemed like he was reaching for me. My heart did a trillion backflips.

"Watch me become the favorite parent while you're gone 'cause you wanna leave us." Chris took his phone back and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Don't start guilt tripping me. I'm not even finna take long, you know I'm just tryna get my shape back." I rolled my eyes playfully and checked my fanny pack to make sure everything was in there.

"Baby, you know I don't care 'bout all that. I love your lil' tummy and your tiger stripes." He cooed, causing heat to rise to my cheeks.

"I know, but you know I get self conscious. I just wanna feel like myself again, I can't even wear my cute clothes anymore." I frowned and took a sip out of my water bottle.

"Alright, whatever makes you happy. I'mma love you anyway." He blew me a kiss through the phone.

"I love you too. I'll see you when I get home." I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. It feels good to finally be somewhat happy.

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