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A funny way to start actually, but some people believe that death is just an opening for a new life. A fresh start to do it all over again. Something that most people question. I didn't know what to believe, actually. One moment I was looking at my poor mother's face, and then suddenly I was engulfed in pain and darkness.

My name is...or was Althea Smarts. With a level of 282 IQ, I was considered one of the worlds smartest. I was even this close to tying with William Sidis. But all of that came to an end at some point. At the age of 23, I uncovered something I was not meant to. A secret so dangerous that it put not only my life in danger but also my family's.

I loved my family, and I wanted to shield them. But little did I know that I would be the one to bring danger to their front door. You see, I was born to Martin and Emily Smarts, and I had a brother who was 9 years younger than me. His name was James. 

It was a simple secret. The company I worked for was one of the best in the world of science. It brought new light into the world through chemistry and technology advancements. But that light also had some dark shadows.

They had developed a type of poison that was meant for the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

I had the worst luck when I saw through their lies. I got caught. The Board members begged me to not tell anyone, but I was an idiot. I didn't think that they would go so far as to kill me and my family.

But who was I kidding? They were trying to kill the Prime Minister of Britan.

On February 5th, they entered my house (where I lived comfortably with my family). After seeing their car pull up, I called the police. When I hung up, our door was flung open.

 5 people walked in.

 The first thing they did, when my father stood up and tried to stop them, was slit his throat. With no mercy. The look in their eye was as empty as their hearts. Then, after they had thrown my father's dying body on the floor, they pulled my mother by her hair and dragged her over to a chair. My brother saw how they had killed Father and stood completely still as they took a stick and began to beat both him and my mother with it. 

The Police still hadn't arrived.

The leader of the group pulled out a gun and aimed it at my brother. My sweet 14-year-old brother whom I loved.

I could hear the sirens, but I knew that they would not be able to save him. So, I took the leap of faith. I looked at where my Father lay. Then at my Mother before jumping in front of the gun just as it clicked.


Hey, at least I went out with a bang, right?

I had documented everything the company was going to do with evidence, and I was rich so I knew my mother and brother would be alright. My Father... I wish I could have saved him. Those who were responsible would go to jail and spend the rest of their lives there. Well, I hope they rot in Hell.

Speaking of Hell, where am I gonna go?

My family was not that religious, but we never did anything morally wrong. My childhood was boring, and the school was boring. I aced all my tests, got 4 Phds, and lived life as one of the best scientists in the world. But there was always something missing.

I was never like my brother. He was smart, but he always had someone to talk to. Someone other than family: Friends. I never had the chance to have someone special like he did.

When children my age would play, I would simply read or solve a puzzle. My classmates got excited over lunch break, but I was excited about my science test. During field trips, everyone wanted to go to some big arcade center while I wanted to visit the Museum of Science and Technology.

People didn't like me. Simply, they thought I was some prissy smart-ass who liked being a teacher's pet. I got bullied and was embarrassed several times in class, but I always knew that one day I would be able to show them my knowledge. Make them acknowledge my existence in a way they never had as a child.

I know that was cheesy, but it's true. Yet here I am, talking to myself in what seems like an endless pit of darkness.

I was stuck there for 2,365,202,5 seconds. Yes, I counted. Yes, I am lame but that was the only way to keep me sane. I was famous for my multitasking. Back then I was able to figure out complicated equations in mere seconds. Not only that, but I was also able to solve mathematical problems and create a chemical formula spontaneously without having to spend several minutes thinking through the right combinations. 

So, I kept on counting and thinking of how mom and Jamie were doing. Gosh, who came to my funeral? Surely the Board directors would attend to 'avoid' suspicion. But I made sure that those bastards get a ticket to Hell.

Probably my high school librarian. She was a sweet lady. I wonder what happened to her...

I hope Dr. Mendez comes. She was my Dentist. She'd better bring her cats.

Time just passed by. The invisible clock in my head continued to count the seconds, not missing a beat.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

I was bored out of my mind. Wait, is this Heaven? I hope not. I pictured it to be more Heavenly. And it better not be Hell, because I will not tolerate such nonsense. I was quite literally murdered for trying to save my brother's life.

I kept humming songs, rethinking my decisions in my life.

"I wonder if Jimmy is alright. He was the pet rat that I kept in my lab. He was a good listener."

That just made me sound like a crazy woman...

It has been 9 months and 12 days. Or, as I counted, 24 704 494.5 seconds. Huh, coincidentally the period of pregnancy.

Suddenly I felt like I was being squeezed.

Oh God no! Please be the gateway to Heaven-

Someone grabbed my head and I was met with bright lights and cold air. Jesus Christ- I was in some woman. I WAS IN HER-!

"Don't panic. Just breathe. Count from 10 to 1 okay?" I thought to myself.











"See, you are doing just fine. You will be fine. This is just your brain. All illusions."

I was wrapped in some cloth and was being passed around like some sort of hat. I honestly just wanted to be left alone...

A voice was heard. It was a smooth voice, almost as if the person was singing. Wait, it's the lady. At least, I think it is? I was laid down in what I think was a bed. The lady was poking my cheeks.

My eyesight was blurry and my hearing was shot, so basically: I'm useless. Slowly I felt my eyes drooping down. I had just been born.

The next second, I was out.

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