I Dug Two Graves For Us

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You woke up with warm rays of sun in your eyes and a shooting pain in your neck from sleeping wrong. Groaning, you sat up. Your laptop was still softly playing music from last night. You lean over to turn it off and get up on shaky legs.

First on the agenda — coffee. You were in desperate need of it. Tying your sleep short drawstrings together you made your way to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Chase was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling on his phone. He gave you a quick smile.

"It wasn't funny the first time you said it." You shook your head, slightly agitated, and grabbed a coffee mug.

You worked the graveyard shift at a local 24-hour convenience store, meaning you had to wake up in the middle of the afternoon. You checked the time on the microwave. Five in the afternoon.

"How was work last night?"

"Boring." You sighed. You wished you could be an influencer like Chase or Jack, who stayed in your shared apartment to make TikToks and only left to hang out with friends. "Where's Jack?"

"He's hanging out with Tyler and a few of the others." Chase hopped down from the counter. He wrung his hands in the bottom hem of his white Thrasher shirt. "You should hang out with us tonight."

You thought about it. You wouldn't need to start your shift until two in the morning, which gave you plenty of time to hang out with the guys.

"Sounds good."

Chase smiled brightly. "Great! I'll drive us in an hour or so."

He passed you as you poured yourself some coffee, the tips of his fingers lightly trailing along your hips.

You waited until the last minute to get ready. The outfit for today consisted of black sweatpants, a baggy faux-vintage Blondie shirt, and chunky black filas. Your hair was loosely tied with an elastic. It wasn't much, but you were comfortable and ready to hang out with the guys.

Chase pulled over next to the abandoned church that you and your friends hung out in. It was super cool to you, with most of the pews still intact and the stained glass windows unbroken. Chase opened the passenger door for you. You stepped out, greeted by his wide grin. You could tell that he was buzzing with excitement.

The both of you slid into the narrow alley. Both the front and back doors of the church were boarded up with plywood, leaving only the side entrance easily accessible.

Inside, a few of your friends were laughing with each other. Near where (presumably) the alter once was, Tyler, Chris, Jack, Tristan, Bryan, and Tony were sat playing Uno and drinking the shitty beer from the cornerstone across the street. Chris was the first one to notice you and Chase.

"Dude, it's your turn to play!" He shouted as he clambered to his feet. Chris jogged over, a toothy grin plastered onto his face. "I'm totally kicking his ass at Eight Ball." He winked.

"He's delusional." Chase gave him a shove with his elbow. You chuckle to yourself as they bicker.

Soon, you find yourself playing Uno with the group. Hanging out with them always made the hours rush past you. You play a few rounds and the rosy hues of the setting sun quickly melt into night.

Then, a crash. It sounded like a metal trash can toppling over. Maybe a raccoon? You elected to ignore the sound.

It was suddenly cold. The drafty and deteriorating walls of the abandoned building seemed to do nothing to keep out the night air, you thought.

You threw a plus-two card down, but the normal ruckus had long since stilled. Something was wrong. Faintly, you could hear the sound of metal scraping against pavement, just outside the back door.

The Uno game had been all but discarded. Everyone seemed to be in on something that you weren't. A thought popped into your head — they're trying to prank you!

It was probably Ondreaz or something making noise outside. It was the kind of thing you guys did to each other all the time. You hop to your feet smug as can be. There was no way you were falling for something so simple. You couldn't wait to rub this in everyones faces, they looked positively spooked as you made your way to the door.

"Don't open that." Chase said.

You turned to face him and crossed your arms, smiling. Was he that gullible?

"Lighten up, man. It's probably just Ondreaz. Or a raccoon, though there isn't much of a difference."

You looked at everyone, expecting some laughs, but they were stone-faced. It wasn't that funny of a joke, but you never bombed like that. None of them were sitting anymore, instead on their feet and scattered about the church. You realize that Tyler and Chris had left. When had they gone? You felt your eyebrows tighten together in your confusion.

Chase stepped closer to you. "We should go, it's getting late."

"Uh, I don't think so? What the hell is going on?"

A dull thud sounds from the other side of the door and you quickly turned to meet it. You realized that you were less than a foot away from the door and whoever was on the other side. A hand grasped onto your shoulder.

"Come on," Chase urged you. "it's probably a stray. You don't want to get bit"

Your resolve hardened. You went to open the door and Chase's grip tightened. It hurt, and you tried to shrug him off and open the door.

You didn't have to worry about opening the door, you find out, as it opens on it's own, seemingly by the wind.

"What the fuck?" You ask no one, stepping out onto the overgrown and broken asphalt behind the church. Nothing was there.

You heard Chase's footsteps as he followed you out. You turned to look at him.

"Are you alright?" Chase asked. "Maybe you've been working too much."

You took another look around. Nothing but beat up buildings, chainlink fences, and night sky as far as your eyes could see. Maybe it was just wild dogs, or maybe some raccoons like you thought before.

"Man, I don't know." You ran your fingers through your hair roughly, hoping the stretch of your skin would help wake you to your senses. "I think I need to be getting more sleep."

Chase was quiet as you looked off. Out of the corner of our eye, you saw a dog. You couldn't make out much except the telltale green-yellow glow of a wild animal's eyes.

"Yeah." Chase said.

"I can drive you to work, if you want" Chase said.

You stared as the lime flash animal eyes disappeared. Maybe you needed to pick up a hobby or something.

"Okay." You said.

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