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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I checked the time before I checked the caller ID. It was about eight in the morning, way too early for me to be up in the summer. However, when I realized who was calling me I decided I didn't care what time it was. Lydia was calling me, I knew I needed to pick up. You can't just ignore a phone call from your girlfriend.

Answer the phone call and the most cheery energetic voice for this early in the morning meets me.

"Good morning, Stella!" She announces happily into the phone.

"Good morning." I mumble back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Yes, "No." I reply.

"Oh, okay, well I was wondering if we could hang out today, like all day since you're leaving really soon." She explains quickly.

I let out a yawn, "Yeah, I can ask." I reply.

"Oh, well if you don't want to that's fine." Lydia explains sounding saddened.

"What? No, no, no, of course, I want to hang out with you." I explain frantically.

"Okay, it just seemed like you were not that excited." She admits.

"Oh, I'm just tired is all." I shrug in response.

"Okay, well, let me know." She responds.

"I'll text you when I get an answer." I reply.

"Okay I'll talk to you later." She says happily.

"Talk to you later." I say before hanging up the phone.

I was way too tired, I do not understand how someone could wake up so early during the summer. We do not have school, we do not need to be awake right now. Summer is the time you are supposed to ruin your sleep schedule and become noucturnal.

I get out of bed, refusing to change out of my pajamas. I make my way down the hallway to my parents room and knock on the door lightly. When there is no answer I decide to just open the door. When I open the door I noticed that both of my parents are fast asleep.

I didn't know which parent I should wake up and ask first. I was not sure if it even mattered, I just hope that waking them up did not put them in a bad mood.

I decided to wake up Papa and ask him, I felt like it was easier to talk to him these days anyway.

"Papa." I say as I poke his arm. He remains unmoved by my attempt at waking him up.

"Papa." I poke him harder.

"Father." I whine as I shake his arm.

"Huh?" He says sleepily as he wakes up.

"Can Lydia come over?" I ask immediately.

"What? Oh, uh, sure, when?" He asks.

"Uh, soon?" I reply.

He rubs his eyes, "yeah, okay."

"Yay! Thanks papa." I say happily before leaving the room.

When I get back to my own room I pull out my phone, "You can come over soon." I text Lydia.

After a few minutes, "Bet" was all she replied with.

I decided to get dressed in some casual clothing for today. I let out a loud yawn, still tired due to the fact that I felt like it was much too early to be awake right now. I look around my room and realize it is kind of a mess at the moment so I rush to tidy it up before going to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I still look like I just rolled out of bed, however, I really did not want to put in the effort to make myself look presentable.

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