25. Right Now?

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Shizukana's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of metal clashing on metal. There was yelling.

I sat up as soon as I remembered where I was. I looked around to find Naruto, Sasuke and the silver-haired Genin from before.

The three of them looked as if they had fought a battle. Naruto saw me and ran towards me.

"Shizukana-chan, you're awake." He said making Sasuke walk towards me. Kabuto lingered in the back.

I stood up with the help of Naruto. "What happened?" I asked stretching my legs.

"You passed out for two days. We had to move since we needed the Heaven Scroll." Sasuke answered.

"That's when we met Kabuto. He told us that he will help us get a scroll." Naruto said, jumping excitedly. "And see!" He said waving a Heaven and Earth scroll.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Why do we need a Heaven scroll? We have the one we received from the Chunin officers." I said pulling out the scroll from my pouch.

Sasuke looked at me with a deadpanned look. He just sighed before turning and looking at Kabuto.

Naruto just chuckled nervously.

"We have to leave. There will be other teams who might want to pouch the scrolls from us." Kabuto said making narrow my eyes in confusion.

Why would he want to help? I mean, it obviously can't do him any good. Is he trying to gain our trust. If so, then for what?

I shook my head and followed the boys. We leaped over branches until we found a tall tower.

It was quiet and looked at least 25 years old. We stopped in front of the door and looked at Kabuto.

He lifted his glasses before speaking. "Well, this is where I part. I have to meet my team. But good luck on the next exam." He said before walking away.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why did he help us?" I asked Naruto and Sasuke.

"He said that Konoha Genin should watch out for each other." Naruto said waving towards Kabuto.

"Let's go in." Sasuke said pushing the doors open. Inside was an empty hall. There was a banner hanging against the wall and that's it.

Everything else was grey and empty. Just like your place. A voice said in my head.

The banner mentioned something about needing to have both mental and physical abilities in order to become a successful ninja.

I looked at Naruto. "Open the scrolls." I said making him look at me.

He nodded his head. He opened the Earth scroll while I opened the Heaven scroll.

Both the scrolls started to smoke. I looked at the marking and widened my eyes.

"Naruto it then away." I said throwing my scroll away from me. Naruto did the same before a long bang was heard.

Iruka Sensei emerged from the smoke with a grin on his face. It was wiped away when he looked at our appearance.

"The three of you look like you've been through hell." He said.

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