Part 1

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They say that the way you walk- your posture, the speed, how much you swing your arms- tells a lot about your personality. 

For example, a person who tends to slump their shoulders as they walk may be guarded and less likely to initiate new interactions with the purpose of protecting themselves, or a person who drags their feet may lack energy. It's said that people who walk quickly are more conscientious and those who take strong, lunging steps are generally more efficient and have higher expectations of those around them. 

In the case of the beautiful woman who was now strolling down the lobby of the Tower, her heeled feet clicking against the polished concrete, it was that she was unfortunately, late. Still, she strode confidently, her chin as always poised up, shoulders back and arms holding a thick folder to her chest firmly, she didn't look like she was in a hurry, but the gentle clicking was faster than usual. 

They were long steps, long and light, as if she hadn't a care in the world for the world around her, and that was mainly because she was lost in the thoughts of her own mind. She was definitely a sight to behold, tall and elegant, statuesque really, with pretty eyes that stared vacantly ahead of her behind drooped lids even though she was far from bored or careless.  One brow was arched, a mannerism common in her family, something that made them all look as if they were perpetually either skeptical or intrigued. 

Right now, she was neither. She was just so used to it that the brow, pretty and well shaped, was just generally raised. Right now, what she felt was plain irritation but she was not about to let anyone see it. She very rarely allowed anyone to see her upset, even her mother and father never got to see that side of her, and so it was just assumed that her self control was actually a lack of feeling. It was the most irrational and idiotic thing- what person didn't have feelings? 

Just because others were incapable of keeping their emotions in check and making decisions based on rational thinking and logic, didn't mean that she was devoid of emotions. She was just better than that. She was better than emotional outbursts, better than crying and screaming, better than the droll fits of hysteria or overzealous passions that people allowed themselves to be consumed by. It might sound arrogant, but really she just had too much self respect to allow herself to be put on display in that manner. 

Not a lot of people understood that. Maybe that was why Romy Reid, oldest of the Reid sisters, was considered to be, by many, a cold, unfeeling, insensitive, selfish, spoiled, cold, cruel, uncaring, unsympathetic, hard-hearted bitch. She'd heard several names for her actually, but it had been such a long time since she allowed it to bother her. People were going to say whatever they were going to say, stopping to agonize over it wouldn't change it and besides, why should she care about what people thought?

She had no idea what a sight she was, a confident gait as she pushed the elevator button, so beautiful it was almost intimidating. No one dared to stop her, not for a hello, not to give her any messages or any paperwork, they just stood quietly, avoiding eye contact as she darted by. Even the girl who stood by the elevator, waiting for one to appear, didn't dare enter it when she saw Romy walk in. 

Romy reached out her hand, elegant, polished fingernails clicking against the metal as she held the door for the girl. She stared at the nails for a moment, impeccably done, and gulped as she looked up to Romy with an idiotic smile. 

"Well?" Romy said, looking impatient. "I don't have all day. Are you getting in or not?"

The girl opened her mouth to reply but nothing but a squeak managed to escape her. 

"What floor?" Romy asked on more time, turning to the buttons and clicking the one for her own floor. 

"25th." The girl said, snapping out of her trance and practically jumping into the elevator, realizing she'd been holding her up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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