Missing Mom

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Note: This is 7 years later after the show ended in 1995, so DJ would be out of college be now, probably in veterinary school, and Stephanie would probably be in her last year of college, while Nicky and Alex would probably be 11-12 years old. Michelle is either 15 or 16, so for the story I put that she was 15. The year is 2002. Michelle now has DJ's room (or what was originally Michelle's room already in the first couple of seasons.)
Additional Note: I do not own Full House to any characters. Credit goes to the owners/creators/cast of Full House.

It was a late Saturday afternoon at the Tanner house when Michelle Tanner, now 15 years old, was looking through a family scrapbook that had some pictures of her mom in it. She was sitting on her bed looking at all of the pictures of her family. She had been missing her mom terribly lately (for a week or two), but did not want to tell anyone, as she knew that talking about her mom was not talked about very often anymore, since it made the family emotional. However, once she saw a picture of her and her mom (captioned, "Michelle and mommy (Pam).", that was all it took for her to burst into tears. She was mostly upset because she was too young to even remember her mom when she had passed, which made her feel awful. She thought to herself, ,"I wish I could have been old enough to remember my mother, or know what it feels like to have one. DJ and Stephanie know what it was like to have one, while I don't." Michelle put the book down on her bed, and continued to cry. A little while later, Uncle Jesse knocked on the door.
Uncle Jesse: Hey Michelle? Can I come in?

(Michelle wipes her tears as fast as she can and tries to make herself look presentable as she opens her door.)
Michelle: Come in.

Uncle Jesse: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that dinner's almost ready.
Michelle: (getting choked up again and sniffling): Ok, thank you.

Uncle Jesse: Michelle, what's wrong?
(Jesse sits down with her and hugs her.)
Michelle: (crying) It's nothing.

Uncle Jesse: I know there's something wrong, Michelle. You know you can always talk to me about what's going on. Did something happen at school?

Michelle: (sniffling and choking back sobs): No.
Uncle Jesse: What's going on then, munchkin?

Michelle: (tearfully)I- I just miss my mom. I've already been missing her for some time, and then I was looking through the scrapbook today and I saw a picture of her and I, and it made me miss her so much.
(Michelle cries more and Jesse hugs her and comforts her).

Uncle Jesse: It's ok, sweetheart. Let it out. I'm here. He continues to comfort her until the crying subsides. After she is finished crying, he asks her, "How long have you been feeling upset about this?"

Michelle: Just the last couple of weeks. I just didn't want to say how I was feeling because I know it makes the family sad. And then there's also the fact that the family barely talks about her anymore.

Uncle Jesse: Michelle, it's ok to tell one of us that you are feeling this way, even if it is hard to talk about, or even if it makes us emotional, but that's because we all miss her so much. Just remember that it's okay to miss her, and it's ok to feel sad about it. I miss her too. The only reason it hasn't been brought up lately is just because it's hard to talk about. But if you ever want to talk about it, we're all here for you. Or if you just want to talk about it to one person or something like that, I'm here for you, okay?

Michelle: Okay. Thank you Uncle Jesse.
(A tear slides down her cheek, as she is so grateful for her family who loves her and cares for her so much. She has tears of joy rather than tears of grief now. Uncle Jesse wipes her tears away, kisses her forehead, and they hug once more.)

Jesse: (smiling) You're welcome, munchkin.

Danny: Dinner's ready!

Jesse and Michelle head down for dinner. As they both head down the stairs, Michelle says, "I love you, Uncle Jesse."
Jesse replies, "I love you too, Michelle."
The End

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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