Chapter 1

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Coronation Day

I smudged kohl black liner across my eyelids, the line surprisingly straight considering there was a small tremor in my hands tonight. I stepped back, smoothing my hands down the front of my floor length dress, before fastening the clasp of my white ceremonial cloak at my throat. I tucked my hair behind my ears, a few of the dark strands braided through with gold thread. A quiet knock on the door drew me away from the mirror, "come in," I called out over my shoulder.

My father's head appeared first in the doorway, followed by my mother's, both were clad in red cloaks. It looked like my father had just gotten the sides of his head shaved, exposing the runic tattoos on his scalp. The long hair on the top was braided back and laced with gold string, like mine. My mother's hair was piled high on top of her head, a few of the tight curls adorned with gold rings.

They stopped in front of me, looking at me with proud smiles on their faces. On each of their heads was a crown. Tonight, I would take my mother's, and my father would take his off; my mate would take it up in the future. "I can't believe it's already your coronation day," my mother beamed, her eyes bright. She pulled me in for a hug, the soft scent of lavender that always seemed to cling to her skin filled my nostrils and settled my nerves just a bit. She pulled away and held me at arms length,  "You've grown into a wonderful young woman, you will make a great alpha."

My heart was warmed by her kind words, she didn't hand them out often. "Thank you mama", I smiled at her before leaning forward and pressing my cheek against hers.

My eyes drifted up to my father's who came up behind her, putting an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. He reached his arm out and pulled me into his chest as well. "My girls," he said quietly, before pressing his cheek against mine affectionately. He pulled back a bit and his face became serious. "Now listen to me Selene, many people came here tonight to see your coronation, but not all of them with good intentions. Some of these people out there look down on you and they're going to try to challenge you and test you to prove that you're not worthy of leading. You need to put these bastards in their place, okay. I think tonight will be easier, but when you go to see the packs for the first time as their queen they might put up more of a fight. If anyone tries anything out of line, you need to react fast and aggressively like I've always shown you."

My mother nodded at me as he spoke, "Don't be afraid to act a little wild, let your nature shine," she chimed in, nodding solemnly. My father hummed in agreement.

A hard knock on the door broke up our conversation. "Yes," I called out as I pulled away from my father.

My guard, Erickson, came through the door, exposing his neck in submission. He looked polished in his red livery and with his black hair slicked back. " It's time," was all he said before walking out.

I took a deep breath, straightening my spine as I wiped my sweaty palms on the edges of my cloak. "I'm ready," I announced, nodding at my parents. They linked their arms together and walked out of the room with me trailing close behind.

Erickson closed the door after me and began to walk behind me, his presence always giving me a sense of peace. "You've got this, Selene," he said quietly under his breath for only me to hear.

I didn't turn around to smile at him like I normally would, instead I reached my hand back and grabbed his. He gave me a gentle squeeze before quickly letting my hand go. He could get in trouble if caught touching me so casually while he was on duty; lately he was always on duty. Erickson has been my best friend since we were children even though he is three years my senior. His father is  my father's personal guard. Erickson became my personal guard six months ago after his mate died, he said he needed something to distract him from the gaping hole in his chest.

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