A Raven's Regret. Part 1?

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She had hoped never to set foot back in this part of Remnant. The rolling plains where animals roamed and people staked their claims. A land barely touched by human hands, yet, full of being.

For it was here, where she met her biggest regret

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For it was here, where she met her biggest regret. Her biggest failure.

It wasn't a mission, or a place, but rather... a person.

A man by the name of Y/n Morgan.

A burly man with a touch as light of a feather

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A burly man with a touch as light of a feather. A man with unwavering patience. A man that stole her heart.

It was on these plains where they met, and slowly bonded. While she was bound to her duties as a future huntress, he was but a free spirit following the wind.

Fate brought them together, but she tore them apart. And she hated herself for it. Even to this day.


Raven sits beside a campfire, her horse tied to nearby brush munching on what dried grass remained after the annual drought.

The light from the flames dances across her sorrowful face as she gently rubs her thumb against a worn photo. One of her and the rest of team STRQ. But unlike the others, there was someone else in there, beside her. His arm is wrapped around her waist, a confident smile upon his gentle face.

Tears begin to hit the already faded picture, slightly soaking in it as she remembers that one day that changed them. That changed everything.

As before, Y/n was but a free spirit, but Raven put him on a path. She had helped him join Beacon and become a part of their team.

But he had the pleasure of taking solo missions.

And needless to say, she got lonely. Her urges got the better of her and she bedded with Tai one night. But one night turned into 2, and 2 turned into more. But one day, Y/n had made it earlier than expected.

She remembers the look on his face as he stared at her. She remembers that smile being replaced with a confused frown.

She still remembers the silence from him as he just turned and ran off.

And from then on, he avoided her. Avoided the team and only took much longer and more dangerous solo missions.

But one day, he didn't make it in.

At first they just thought it was taking a bit longer. But soon, a day turned into a week, and a week turned into a month. And everyone was getting worried.

So one day, Ozpin sent them off to find him.

Various clues ended up leading them to a cave in a canyon. There, they found him. Tied up and beaten, various symbols and blood splatters coating the walls.

She still remembers how fragile his body felt as she cradled him in her arms. She remembers that sorrowful, yet relieved smile as he gazed up at her, his weak hand against her cheek, one of her hands cupping his.

But what she really remembers, are his last words. The last things he ever spoke to her.

Y/n: Raven...

His voice was quiet and raspy. Strained from the lack of water.

Y/n: Agh... I don't regret fallin' for ya... I just regret not spending time with ya like I should'a... But even then... I shoulda seen that Tai was winning ya over... I gave you all I had, Rave... I'm sorry I couldn't give ya... any... more...

And it was then that his hand slipped from her face. His eyes glazing over, still staring into hers, that same, kind gleam he always had.

And it was then, that she truly changed, especially when she found out she was carrying his child.

She had shared a bed with Y/n one night after a mission of his, before his later capture, and it was then that next morning she was blessed with the news of a new life.

But she still went to Tai.

Even then, Y/n never got to witness the birth of his own daughter. One that she named Yang.

As their child grew, she slowly began to show her Father's traits. And she couldn't stand to look at her for too long without being reminded of the things she done.

Her biggest regret.


And ever since then, she had been alone. Going to visit her former lover's grave every once in a blue moon, to beg for the forgiveness that she doesn't deserve.

To cry for a love that will never return.

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