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Come on, you need to choose. Just pick one. Look! That apple looks nice. Just pick! It's not as if it's going to affect your entire life. Your life is not depending on this decision... it's not. No.

As the sun was slowly rising over the Dunn's family house loud scream was heard as the oldest child woke up from the dream. From the nightmare that was soon going to become reality. The door of the room on the first floor swung open and the little boy spread his arms happily. "Happy birthday, Thea!" He yelled and jumped on his sister's bed.

The large silhouette of his sister just groaned and put a pillow over her face, "Get out!" She was still recovering from her dream, the one that was haunting for weeks.

"No!" a small boy yelled and kept jumping on her bed.

She squeezed the pillow and threw it at the poor boy who was thrown off the bed. "Ouch," he whispered and rubbed his temple.

"That's what you get when you dare to wake me up!" She just turned on the other side and smiled to herself. She heard him getting up, but before he could do anything stern voice made him stop.

"Jackson!" Their mom yelled, and he stopped in his track, "What are you doing here??"

"I just wanted to wish Thea a happy birthday!"

"You did it, now go. You know today is a big day for her so please let her rest!"

"Yes, mom," he looked down and walked away.

Thea smirked, knowing she won this. She felt her mom's presence still there, but she kept her eyes shut. After a moment, she heard footsteps and weight on the side of the bed. Mrs. Dunn sighed and caressed her daughter's cheek. Thea was trying so hard to keep her eyes closed because she knew if she opened them and saw the pain and sorrow in her mom's eyes, they would both probably start crying.

"You are a beautiful young woman, but you will always be my baby. I want you to know, no matter what happens today, you will always be our daughter, we are your family, no matter what. Happy birthday!" She kissed Thea's forehead and got up, dragging her feet out of the room and closing the door behind her.

When Thea was left alone, she threw the blanket off her head and hissed. She hated this. It was her birthday and she couldn't even focus on that. She always loved to listen to her grandparents when they talked about their eighteenth birthday parties, and how important that used to be. She rolled over and fell on the floor with a 'thud' sound.

"Idiot," she mumbled and reached for a little white box with a blue star on it. She sat on the floor, her back against the bed. She pressed the white star, and a lady appeared out of nowhere, making Thea drop the box on the floor. She watched the hologram at least ten times during the night, and each time she got scared by the lady appearing out of nowhere. She once again looked up at the lady dressed in all blue and frowned. This was only starting and she was tired.

"Dear, Miss Thea Dunn," hologram started, "we are happy to invite you to your official test on Tuesday, 15th of September, 2398th. Your test will be held in The Blue House with the rest of your peers. We will be expecting you at noon. Happy birthday!" Hologram flicked, and the woman disappeared.

Thea held the box against her chest and leaned her head on the back of the bed. She closed her eyes and sighed. All the dreams she had been having for the past week were about this important moment, and every time she didn't know what to do. She couldn't just pick, it was more complicated than that. Her family, friends, her whole life is here – she couldn't leave. But big chances were she will have to.

She threw the box on the bed and got up. Dragging herself to the bathroom, she entered the code and the white door, with a little blue star on the left top corner, slid on the side. As sensors noticed her body, hot water started running on the left side. She stripped down and let the water burn her skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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