Chapter 1

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Just a quick disclaimer:

There will be some foul language and abuse in this story, so if that is something you are not comfortable with than this story might not be for you.

These are all my own characters and own plot.

I am just writing this because I'm bored and have lots of stories in my head that I though others might enjoy. I got the inspiration from the many... MANY Werewolf romance stories I have read on this app so I decided to give it a shot at writing my own!

Thank you for your consideration and I hope you enjoy the story!😁💜


Rose's POV:

I woke up that morning to my "alarm clock" screaming at me to wake up. And by "alarm clock" I mean my step mother screaming at me to make her breakfast.

"GET UP YOU LITTLE B*TCH!!" She screams as she kicks open my bedroom door.

I groaned into my pillow before she grabs my long brown hair and yanks me out of my bed. she drags me out of my room into the kitchen and finally lets go of my hair. I then begin making breakfast for two. Now, of course the second plate is not for me. No of course not, I don't deserve an actual breakfast. When I finish plating the food and setting it on the table I hear the footsteps of my father coming down.

My father used to be a very handsome man he was tall and had dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. But after my mother passed, his mate, he had become a broken and cruel man. After she passed it wasn't to bad, but then he met Veronica. Veronica's mate had rejected her years ago so a few years after my mother's death they got married. That's when it all went to hell. Veronica had always hated me because I reminded my father of his mate and that's also the reason my father began beating me.

I looked up to see my father come down the stairs, hair sticking every which way and an empty beer bottle in his hand. That's when I accidentally made eye contact with him I looked into those once bright blue eyes that had now turned almost a dull gray. When he saw me he let out a low, angry growl. My wolf let out an involuntary whimper when he grabbed my throat and pushed me up against the wall.

My morning beating lasted about an hour before my father finally got bored and let me go. When I finally could get back on my feet without feeling dizzy I make my way up to my room to get dressed for school.

"Everything hurts!" I complained.

"I know. But we have to push through it. We have to wait for mate! He will save us!" My wolf, Ila cried. (Pronounced i-la)

I sighed at her antics. Ila was constantly going on and on about our mate non stop. I couldn't blame her though I thought about my mate almost every day since I learned what they were from my mother.I hadn't met him yet even though I already turned 18. My mother always told me,

"When you are older you will find the most amazing mate, and he will love and Cherish you more than anything else in this world. He will keep you safe from all harm and make you his everything."

And that had always stuck with me. Especially when the abuse started. I couldn't wait for my mate to come for me and save me from this hell on earth. 

After school today there would be a pack event. The Silver Stone Pack was not a very large pack. And not a very nice one either. I was always bullied in school because I was smaller even though I'm a good 5"4. So technically I'm average size. I have big brown doe eyes and I always try to keep glued to the ground because I don't want to get any more beatings than I already do.

(Sorry, I was too lazy to write about school)
............time skip..........

Later that evening I had just shown up to the pack event. I wore a t length cream colored dress and wraps around to the front, with a V neckline that's low but not too low. Along with some strappy nude heels. (Outfit is the picture up top) As I walked around there were many new scents which was kind of odd. Ila has been practically jumping up and down since I got here.

"What is up with you tonight?" I asked her.

"I'm not really sure, but I can just feel something is going to happen tonight."

I rolled my eyes at her and thought nothing of it. That's when I smelled the most intoxicating sent I had ever smelt. It smelt of pine and a bit like coffee.

"Mate!!!" Ila shouted in my head.

I whipped my head around trying to find the source. All I saw were other pack members socializing and conversing. Suddenly, Alpha Mark stood up on the stage, and I lost the sent.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight to the union of the Silver Stone Pack and the Dark Night Pack,..."

Ahh! That's what this event was....What?! It's not like my parents told me what the heck we were doing here. When I got home from school they just told me to get dressed and fake a smile and dragged me here.
Alpha Mark continued to talk on the stage and I began to zone out but then I smelt it again. I looked up to see a tall man walk up the stage to stand next to Alpha Mark. He had dark brown hair and electric blue eyes. I stared at him in awe as Ila went crazy in my head.

"MATE, MATE, MATE!!" She yipped.

He looked down at me and we finally made eye contact. That's when I really knew. His stare sent chills down my spine and a warm feeling in my chest.
We found him! We found the one that we have been looking for for years. The one that will take all the pain I have suffered away. All I wanted to do was run up to him and have him embrace me in his big, warm arms. I wanted to kiss every inch of his beautiful face and tell me I was his and he would protect me from everything and anything. But all he did was turn away.

I let out a small whimper.

"Shut it you little mutt!" Veronica whisper/ shouted at me as she "lightly" kicked my leg under the table.

"What was that?!" I asked Ila in my head. "Why did he turn away?!"

"Perhaps he was trying to control himself so that he did not make a scene in front of all these people." Ila explained.


To be continued...😉

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