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  • Voyage: A Seafarer's Tale
    177 30 6

    Shiver Me Timbers (2023) contest. A mystical adventure through the sea. Six islands, six adventures.

  • Captain Calamity | Shiver Me Timbers 2023
    180 33 6

    Sam is captain of a pirate ship and one of the worst leaders in the west. After sending his paltry crew on another ill-fated adventure, he must use all his wits to get them home safely. Image by Fauzi Ridwan from Pixabay

    131 28 7

    Winner for island 1 and 2 in Shiver me timbers 2023 🥇 1st place in GYSOT awards in short story category SHIVER ME TIMBERS 2023 Deep in the depths of Kratos, where black women are its only inhabitants. To become a transverser and fully be inaugurated into the womanhood, the girls are supposed to face a trial on the...
