Chapter 5

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Qiao Chi takes the script and walks back to the lobby. At a glance, she sees Song Yiyu sitting in the corner, looking down at his phone. Qiao Chi lighten her steps and walks over to him, hoping to give him a scare; but as soon as she approaches, Song Yiyu raises his head toward her direction.

Seeing that it's her, a gentle smile immediately appears on his indifferent face.

"Didn't you say it would take an hour or two?" He then stands up from the sofa.

Qiao Chi glances at the dessert that was left in front of him. The cake is finished, but not the drink. She is not surprised. According to the author, the boss loves sweets. He'd rather spend hours working out than miss out on eating sweets.

"I'm very capable." Qiao Chi then holds the script in front of him and shakes it.

When she looks out of the glass window, the sky has darkened, and the street lights were already on. Qiao Chi put the business card into her bag and says to Song Yiyu: "Let's go."

The two walked side by side toward the hotel entrance when a group of people swarms in aggressively, all dressed in suits and leather shoe.

Qiao Chi and Song Yiyu spontaneously move aside and give them plenty of space to enter first.

When a few of them passes by, Qiao Chi raises her head and whispers to Song Yiyu: "I'd have thought they were all part of a security team if it wasn't for the two handsome people within that group."

Song Yiyu flicks Qiao Chi's forehead and says with some dissatisfaction: "Am I not handsome?"

Oh mother! Villianous boss is very handsome! People online would be jealous!

Qiao Chi yells inwardly. She then touches her forehead and quickly says: "Of course! You are the most handsome one!"

Satisfied with her answer, he walks a few steps forward to catch a taxi.

What the two don't know is the group of people who had passed by the two of them, two of them stop and watch their back. After awhile, one of them said: "Big brother, why do I feel like that back is a bit like Song Yiyu?"

A man with silver-framed glasses narrows his phoenix behind the lenses. After a long time, he turns away and says indifferently: "Not alike at all."



The two go home after they ate hot pot outside. Qiao Chi drops the script and her bag on the sofa before lying down, feeling very satisfied.

Song Yiyu walks in behind her and closes the door. He looks at Qiao Chi's messy shoes left behind at the entrance, hesitates for a while, then bends over and puts them into the shoe cabinet. He then takes out his slippers and puts them on.

Today, Qiao Chi is really happy because she not only got a job, but she also got a chance to eat a delicious meal. The her in the past could not even ask for this in her dreams!

Qiao Chi catches a glimpse of Song Yiyu coming toward her so she properly sits up. He walks into the kitchen and pours two glasses of water. He puts one in front of her and drinks the other. He sits on the edge of the sofa with his hand knot together nervously. He hesitates for a moment, then gently says: "Baobei."

After two days of this nickname, Qiao Chi's become immuned to it. She takes a sip of warm water before looking at him.

Song Yiyu takes another pause then says: "I think that I should go to work."

Currently, everything he uses comes from Qiao Chi. This makes him feel very uncomfortable because as a man, he feels that there are certain rules when it comes to using women's money!

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